Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Editing a trip log 59
Using the Trip Computer mode 59
Calculating the fuel consumption 60
Setting the initial odometer value 60
Entering the fuel consumption
information 60
Setting the car maintenance
schedule 61
Customizing preferences of the
Customizing the navigation settings 62
Restoring the default settings 63
Information on each option of Settings 63
–“Route Preferences settings 63
–“Sound settings 65
–“Warnings settings 66
–“Navigation Map settings 66
–“Regional settings 68
–“Display settings 69
–“Traffic settings 69
–“Weather settings 69
–“Fuel settings 69
–“Trip Monitor settings 69
–“Online Services settings 69
–“Usage Reports settings 70
Setting the alert point warnings 70
Expanding the use of the navigation
functions 71
Be sure to read before you use
AVICSYNC function 71
What is the AVICSYNC App? 72
Compatibility and connectivity 72
AVICSYNC compatibility 72
Preparations before using the
AVICSYNC function 73
Getting the map update 73
Registering and connecting a Bluetooth
Preparing communication devices 74
Registering your Bluetooth devices 74
Searching for nearby Bluetooth
devices 74
Pairing from your Bluetooth
devices 75
Connecting to a Bluetooth device
automatically 76
Deleting a registered device 76
Connecting a registered Bluetooth device
manually 77
Switching visibility 77
Entering the PIN code for Bluetooth wireless
connection 77
Displaying the Bluetooth address 78
Clearing the Bluetooth memory 78
Updating Bluetooth software 78
Displaying the Bluetooth software
version 79
Using hands-free phoning
Displaying the phone menu 80
Touch panel keys 80
Reading the screen 80
Making a phone call 81
Direct dialing 81
Calling a number in the phone
book 81
Dialing from the history 82
Using the preset dial lists 83
Receiving a phone call 83
Answering an incoming call 84
Minimizing the dial confirmation screen 84
Changing the phone settings 85
Answering a call automatically 85
Switching the ring tone 85
Inverting names in the phone book 85
Setting the private mode 85
Adjusting the other partys listening
volume 86
Using the voice recognition function 86
Notes for hands-free phoning 86

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Pioneer AVIC-8100NEX Installatiehandleiding - English, Français - 72 pagina's

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