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Thank you for buying this Pioneer product.
Please read through these instructions so you will know how to operate your model
properly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this document in a
safe place for future reference.
The screens shown in the examples may differ
from actual screens, which may be changed
without notice for performance and function
Manual overview 11
How to use this manual 11
Conventions used in this manual 11
Terms used in this manual 11
Notes on internal memory 12
Before removing the vehicle
battery 12
Data subject to erasure 12
Resetting the microprocessor 12
Basic operation
Checking part names and functions 13
Remote control 14
Use and care of the remote control 15
Installing the battery 15
Using the remote control 15
Protecting your product against theft 16
Removing the detachable
faceplate 16
Attaching the detachable faceplate 16
Notes on using the LCD panel 16
Adjusting the LCD panel angle 17
Inserting/ejecting/connecting media 17
Inserting and ejecting a disc 17
Inserting and ejecting an SD memory
card 18
Connecting and disconnecting an
iPod 19
Plugging and unplugging a USB
storage device 19
Startup and termination 19
On first-time startup 19
Regular startup 20
A message about the map
database 20
Turning off the display 20
When the Application screen is
available 20
When the Application screen is not
available 20
How to use the screens 22
Switching screens using the touch
panel keys 22
Switching screens using the hardware
buttons 23
Supported AV source 24
Displaying the AV operation screen 24
Selecting a front source on the AV
source selection screen 25
Selecting a front source on the source
list 25
Selecting a rear source 25
Turning off the AV source 25
Changing the display order of source
icons 25
Changing the display order of source
keys 26
Using the touch panel 26
Using the common touch panel
keys 26
Operating list screens 27
Operating the time bar 27
Operating the on-screen keyboard 27
On first-time startup of the navigation
system 28
How to use the Navigation menu screen
Operating the Navigation menu screen 29
How to use the map
How to read the Map screen 31
AV information bar 31
Operating the Map screen 32
Changing the scale of the map 32

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVIC-8100NEX

Pioneer AVIC-8100NEX Installatiehandleiding - English, Français - 72 pagina's

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