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! Auto TA and EQ changes the audio settings
as below:
The fader/balance settings return to the
center position. (Refer to page 80.)
The equalizer curve switches to FLAT.
(Refer to page 78.)
It will be adjusted automatically to high
pass filter setting for front, center and
rear speaker.
! If you carry out auto TA and EQ when a pre-
vious setting of this already exists, the set-
ting will be replaced.
Carrying out auto TA and EQ
1 Stop the car in a place that is as quiet
as possible, close all doors, windows and
the sun roof, and then turn the engine off.
If the engine is left running, engine noise may
prevent correct auto TA and EQ.
2 Fix the supplied microphone in the cen-
ter of the headrest of the drivers seat, fa-
cing forward, using the belt (sold
The auto TA and EQ may differ depending on
where you place the microphone. If desired,
place the microphone on the front passenger
seat to carry out auto TA and EQ.
3 Turn the ignition switch to ON or ACC.
If the cars air conditioner or heater is turned
on, turn it off. Noise from the fan in the air
conditioner or heater may prevent correct auto
TA and EQ.
# Press SOURCE to turn the source on if this
unit is turned off.
4 Select the position for the seat on
which the microphone is placed.
Refer to Using the position selector on page
# If no position is selected before you start auto
TA and EQ, FL is selected automatically.
5 Press SOURCE and hold until the unit
turns off.
6 Press and hold EQ to enter the auto TA
and EQ measurement mode.
7 Plug the microphone into the micro-
phone input jack on the hide-away unit.
8 Touch START to start the auto TA and
9 Get out of the car and close the door
within 10 seconds when the 10-second
count-down starts.
The measurement tone (noise) is output from
the speakers, and auto TA and EQ begins.
# When all speakers are connected, auto TA
and EQ is completed in about nine minutes.
# To stop auto TA and EQ, touch STOP.
Audio Adjustments

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 100 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 124 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 100 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 132 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - English, Français - 100 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 128 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - Italiano, Espanõl - 100 pagina's

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