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Auto TA and EQ (auto-time
alignment and auto-
The auto-time alignment automatically adjusts
the distance between each speaker and the
listening position.
The auto-equalizer automatically measures
the car interior acoustic characteristics, and
then creates the auto-equalizer curve based
on that information.
To prevent accidents, never carry out auto TA and
EQ while driving. When this function measures
the car interior acoustic characteristics to create
an auto-equalizer curve, a loud measurement
tone (noise) may be output from the speakers.
! Carrying out auto TA and EQ under the follow-
ing conditions may damage the speakers. Be
sure to check the conditions thoroughly be-
fore carrying out auto TA and EQ.
When speakers are incorrectly connected.
(e.g., When a rear speaker is connected to
a subwoofer output.)
When a speaker is connected to a power
amp delivering output higher than the
speakers maximum input power capabil-
! If the microphone is placed in an unsuitable
position the measurement tone may become
loud and measurement may take a long time,
resulting in a drain on battery power. Be sure
to place the microphone in the specified loca-
Before operating the auto TA
and EQ function
! Carry out auto TA and EQ in as quiet a
place as possible, with the car engine and
air conditioning switched off. Also cut
power to car phones or portable telephones
in the car, or remove them from the car be-
fore carrying out auto TA and EQ. Sounds
other than the measurement tone (sur-
rounding sounds, engine sound, tele-
phones ringing etc.) may prevent correct
measurement of the car interior acoustic
! Be sure to carry out auto TA and EQ using
the supplied microphone. Using another
microphone may prevent measurement, or
result in incorrect measurement of the car
interior acoustic characteristics.
! When front speaker is not connected, auto
TA and EQ cannot be carried out.
! When this unit is connected to a power
amp with input level control, auto TA and
EQ may not be possible if you lower power
amp input level. Set the power amps input
level to the standard position.
! When this unit is connected to a power
amp with an LPF, turn off the LPF on the
power amp before carrying out auto TA and
EQ. In addition, the cut-off frequency for
built-in LPF of an active subwoofer should
be set to the highest frequency.
! The time alignment value calculated by
auto TA and EQ may differ from the actual
distance in the following circumstances.
However, the distance has been calculated
by computer to be the optimum delay to
give accurate results for the circum-
stances, so please continue to use this
When the reflected sound within a vehi-
cle is strong and delays occur.
When delays occur for low sounds due
to the influence of the LPF on active
subwoofers or external amps.
Audio Adjustments
Audio Adjustments

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 100 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 124 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 100 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 132 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - English, Français - 100 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 128 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - Italiano, Espanõl - 100 pagina's

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