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Your international guarantee
Dear customer,
Thank you for purchasing this PHILIPS product which has been designed and manufactured to the highest quality standards.
If, unfortunately, something should go wrong with this product PHILIPS guarantees free of charge labour and replacement parts
irrespective of the country where it is repaired during a period of 12 months from date of purchase. This international PHILIPS
guarantee complements the existing national guarantee obligations to you of dealers and PHILIPS in the country of purchase
and does not affect your statutory rights as a customer.
The PHILIPS guarantee applies provided the products are handled properly for its intended use, in accordance with its operating
instructions and upon presentation of the original invoice or cash receipt, indicating the date of purchase, dealer’s name and
model and production number of the product.
The PHILIPS guarantee may not apply if:
· the documents have been altered in any way or made illegible;
· the model or production number on the product has been altered, deleted, removed or made illegible;
· repairs or product modifications and alterations have been executed by unauthorised service organisations or persons
· damage is caused by accidents including but not limited to lightning, water or fire misuse or neglect.
Please note that the product is not defective under this guarantee in the case where modifications become necessary in order
for the product to comply with local or national technical standards which apply in countries for which the product was not
originally designed and/or manufactured. Therefore always check whether a product can be used in a specific country.
In case your PHILIPS product is not working correctly or is defective, please contact your PHILIPS dealer. In the event you
require service whilst in another country a dealer address can be given to you by the PHILIPS Consumer Help Desk in that
country, the telephone and fax number of which can be found in the relevant part of this booklet.
In order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience, we advise you to read the operating instructions carefully before contacting your
dealer. If you have questions which your dealer cannot answer or any related question please write or call:
for the UK: for Ireland: for Hong Kong: for Taiwan:
PHILIPS Consumer PHILIPS Electronics PHILIPS Hong Kong Ltd. Philips Taiwan Ltd.
Communications Ltd. Ireland Ltd. Consumer Service Division Consumer Information
Unit 4, Elmwood Consumer Information Centre Unit A, 10/ F Park Sun Building Nr. 96 Section 1,
Chineham Business Park Newstead 103-107 Wo Yi Hop Road Chien-Kuo N. Road
Crockford Lane Clonskeagh Kwai Chung, N.T. Taipei
Basingstoke RG24 8 WG Dublin 14 HONG KONG TAIWAN
Phone: 0645-282828 Phone: 01-7640292 Phone: 2619-9663 Phone: (02)-2382-4567
Fax: 0181-7841406 Fax: 01-7640299 Fax: 2485-3574 Fax: (02)-2134-2670
The CE mark confirms that the machine corresponds to the relevant guidelines of the European Union.
This operation manual has been printed on chlorine-free, recycled paper, in line with the highest standards of
environmental friendliness.
The used cardboard packaging as well as the cardboard proctecting your facility at its sides made of waste paper
can be recycled like waste paper; corresponding to your country’s demands dispose the plastic foils either for
recycling or with your rubbish.
This electronic facility contains recycable material. At the end of use of this facility please inform yourself about the
corresponding recycling demands of your country.
Technical changes and errors excepted. © 1999
5103 506 1632.1
5103 506 1632.2

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips hfc 141

Philips hfc 141 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 52 pagina's

Philips hfc 141 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 50 pagina's

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