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Dear Customer,
The fax machine you have purchased enables you to use other corded and cordless telephones with it. It also offers
features to simplify its installation and convenient use. Below you will find some of the most important functions:
To send a fax message longer than one page you can place one page at a time in the document feeder. If your machine
has an integrated answering device, it is also possible to receive fax messages into memory in case you run out of
thermal paper. Stored messages are printed as soon as you have loaded a new thermal paper roll.
Your fax machine will support other additional devices including corded and cordless telephones. If you have answered an
incoming call, you will have the opportunity to transfer the call from the cordless phone to the fax, or vice versa. Even
after the integrated answering device has switched on, you have the possibility to answer the call from an additional
telephone and switch off the answering device. Call transfer between cordless phones depends on the capability of the
cordless phones themselves.
To ensure you get the best from your machine it has a dedicated HELP key. When pressed, the machine prints an
overview of all the basic operations of the fax machine.
keep pressed
for at least
2 seconds
The help key will also guide you through the installation of your fax machine. Press and hold the HELP key for two
seconds and a sheet will be printed out. Use this sheet together with the display prompts to aid the installation of your
machine. Once you have gone through these steps the machine will automatically configure itself. Should you add an
additional device at a later date, just go through EASY INSTALL again to verify them.
Your fax machine is especially designed to operate with other telecom products such as cordless telephones, external
answering devices and PC modems, connected to the same PTT line. When the fax machine is connected in SERIAL (i.e.
phones are connected directly to the fax) it has full control of the behaviour of all other telephones connected to the line.
Alternatively if the machine is connected in PARALLEL (i.e. phones are connected to other telephone sockets) it will have
a limited control of all the other telephones. By using EASY INSTALL you will ensure that the connected phones will
operate correctly in each configuration.
The machine will automatically switch between DAY and NIGHT modes, an icon on the display will indicate the current
status. The default settings are Night from 10 pm and Day from 6 am. You can of course change these settings to suit your
own requirements.
AND NIGHT MODE (with/without built-in ANSWERING DEVICE )
During DAY it is assumed that you want to be alerted to an incoming call. Dependent on the configuration fax messages
will be received after one ring and you will be alerted to an incoming voice call. If the machine has an integrated answering
device, the call will be answered after a few rings.
In NIGHT mode it is assumed that you do not want to be disturbed. If your machine does not have a built-in answering
device it will ring at a reduced volume. However, if it has a built-in answering device, you have the choice not to be
disturbed at all, as voice and fax calls can be received silently.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips hfc 141

Philips hfc 141 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 52 pagina's

Philips hfc 141 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 50 pagina's

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