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16 Philips · PicoPix Max One
Power cycling
If a problem occurs that cannot be corrected
with the instructions in this user manual, follow
the steps given here.
1 Turn the projector off by holding down
for 1 second.
2 Wait at least ten seconds.
3 Turn the projector on again by holding
down for 1 second.
4 If the problem persists, please contact our
technical service centre or your dealer.
Problems Solutions
The projector cannot be turned on or
Disconnect and reconnect the power cable, and
try to turn the projector on again.
Low battery power. Connect the projector to an
external power supply.
Use the original power adapter.
The projection screen does not show
You need to connect the projector to an HDMI
device or USB-C device, so that the projection
screen can show images (see Connect, page
Select the correct input source. Press on the
remote control to access the input source list for
input source selection.
Check if the video output of the external device is
turned on.
The projector is charged slowly. When powered on, the external power will be
used first to run the projector and unused power
will charge the battery.
For faster charging, charge while the projector is
powered off.
The projector turns itself off. Low battery power.
When the projector is running for a long period
of time, the surface becomes hot. Ventilate the
projector properly, with at least 30 cm clearness
around all the sides of the projector.
Check that the power cable is connected correctly.
The projector cannot be turned off. Press and hold longer than 30 seconds.
No image from the external HDMI device. Disconnect the HDMI cable or switch off the
HDMI device.
Wait three seconds.
Reconnect the HDMI cable or switch on the HDMI
device again.
No sound from the external connected
Check the cables to the external device.
Check that the sound is activated on the external
Only the original cables from the device
manufacturer may function.
No sound from external HDMI output
On the HDMI output device, set the audio setting
to Stereo (PCM).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips PPX520 - PicoPix Max One

Philips PPX520 - PicoPix Max One Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 23 pagina's

Philips PPX520 - PicoPix Max One Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

Philips PPX520 - PicoPix Max One Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 24 pagina's

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