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20 Philips · PicoPix Max One
Product: The crossed-out waste bin symbol on
the product means that the product belongs
to the family of electrical and electronic
equipment. In this respect, the European
regulations ask you to dispose of it selectively:
At sales points in the event of the
purchase of similar equipment.
At the collection points made available
to you locally (drop-off centre, selective
collection, etc.).
In this way you can participate in the reuse
and upgrading of Electrical and Electronic
Equipment Waste, which can have an effect on
the environment and human health.
The paper and cardboard packaging used can
be disposed of as recyclable paper. Have the
plastic wrapping recycled or dispose of it in
the non-recyclable waste, depending on the
requirements in your country.
Trademarks: The mentioned references in
this manual are trademarks of the respective
companies. The lack of the trademarks ®
and ™ does not justify the assumption that
these dedicated terminologies are free
trademarks. Other product names used herein
are for identification purposes only and may
be trademarks of their respective owners.
Screeneo Innovation SA disclaims any and all
rights in those marks.
Neither Screeneo Innovation SA nor its affiliates
shall be liable to the purchaser of this product
or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or
expense s incurred by the purchaser or third
parties as a result of accident, misuse, or abuse
of this product or unauthorised modifications,
repairs, or alterations to this product, or failure
to strictly comply with Screeneo Innovation SA
operating and maintenance instructions.
Screeneo Innovation SA shall not be liable for
any damages or problems arising from the use
of any options or any consumable materials
other than those designated as original
Screeneo Innovation SA/PHILIPS products or
Screeneo Innovation SA/PHILIPS approved
Screeneo Innovation SA shall not be held liable
for any damage resulting from electromagnetic
interference that occurs from the use of any
interface cables other than those designated as
Screeneo Innovation SA/PHILIPS products.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of Screeneo Innovation SA.
The information contained herein is designed
only for use with this product. Screeneo
Innovation SA. is not responsible for any use of
this information as applied to other devices.
This user manual is a document that does not
represent a contract.
Errors, printing errors and changes are reserved.
Copyright © 2020 Screeneo Innovation SA.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips PPX520 - PicoPix Max One

Philips PPX520 - PicoPix Max One Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 23 pagina's

Philips PPX520 - PicoPix Max One Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

Philips PPX520 - PicoPix Max One Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 24 pagina's

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