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Labels are applied at various points on your
vehicle. They carry safety warnings as well
as vehicle identification information. Do not
remove them: they form an integral part of
your vehicle.
Automobiles PEUGEOT declares, by
application of the provisions of the European
legislation (Directive 2000/53) relating
to End of Life Vehicles, that it achieves
the objectives set by this legislation and
that recycled materials are used in the
manufacture of the products that it sells.
Printed in the EU
Reproduction or translation of all or part of
this document is prohibited without written
authorisation from Automobiles PEUGEOT.
For any work on your vehicle, use a qualified
workshop that has the technical information,
competence and equipment required, which
a PEUGEOT dealer is able to provide.
We draw your attention to the
following points:
- The tting of electrical equipment or
accessories not listed by PEUGEOT
may cause faults and failures with the
electrical system of your vehicle. Contact
a PEUGEOT dealer for information on
the range of recommended accessories.
- As a safety measure, access to the
diagnostic socket, used for the vehicle's
electronic systems, is reserved strictly
for PEUGEOT dealers or qualied
workshops, equipped with the special
diagnostic tool required (risk of
malfunctions of the vehicle's electronic
systems that could cause breakdowns
or serious accidents). The manufacturer
cannot be held responsible if this advice
is not followed.
- Any modication or adaptation not
intended or authorised by Automobiles
PEUGEOT or carried out without
meeting the technical requirements
dened by the manufacturer would
lead to the suspension of the legal and
contractual warranties.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Peugeot 2008 - 2015

Peugeot 2008 - 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 340 pagina's

Peugeot 2008 - 2015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 340 pagina's

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