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- Fig. B1: Press the citrus fruit until the juice
collector (5) is full (200 ml). Place an empty
glass onto the bottom plate (10). Hold the
glass against the automatic drip stop (9) until
it is filled with the required amount of juice.
- Fig. B2: Place an empty glass onto the
bottom plate (10). Hold the glass against the
automatic drip stop (9) with one hand and
press the citrus fruit with the other hand.
Press the citrus fruit until hardly any more •
juice is extracted from the citrus fruit. The
appliance automatically stops when the
pressure is released.
Note: The appliance automatically changes
direction when it is switched off and on in
order to increase the amount of juice being
Stop pressing the citrus fruit in one of the •
following situations:
- no more juice is extracted from the citrus
- the juice collector is filled with the
required amount of juice;
- the glass is filled with the required
amount of juice.
After use, remove the mains plug from the •
wall socket. The power indicator (1) goes off.
Cleaning and maintenance
Before you proceed, we need you to pay
attention to the following notes:
- Before cleaning or maintenance, remove
the mains plug from the wall socket and
wait until the appliance has cooled down.
- Do not immerse the appliance in water or
any other liquids.
Before you proceed, we would like you to
focus your attention on the following notes:
- Do not use aggressive or abrasive cleaning
agents to clean the appliance.
- Do not use sharp objects to clean the
Regularly check the appliance for possible •
Clean the outside of the appliance with a soft, •
damp cloth. Thoroughly dry the outside of
the appliance with a clean, dry cloth.
Clean the pressing cones in soapy water. •
Rinse the pressing cones under running
water. Thoroughly dry the pressing cones.
Clean the spindle, the juice collector and •
the pulp collector in soapy water. Rinse the
spindle, the juice collector and the pulp
collector under running water. Thoroughly
dry the spindle, the juice collector and the
pulp collector with a clean, dry cloth.
Clean the dust lid in soapy water. Rinse the •
dust lid under running water. Thoroughly
dry the dust lid with a clean, dry cloth.
Clean the bottom plate in soapy water. •
Rinse the bottom plate under running water.
Thoroughly dry the bottom plate with
a clean, dry cloth.
Put the appliance and the accessories in •
the original packaging.
Store the appliance with the accessories in •
a dry and frost-free place, out of the reach
of children.
Safety instructions
General safety
Read the manual carefully before use. •
Keep the manual for future reference.
Only use the appliance and the accessories •
for their intended purposes. Do not use the
appliance and the accessories for other
purposes than described in the manual.
Children should be supervised to ensure •
that they do not play with the appliance.
The appliance is not intended for use by •
persons (including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or
lack of experience and knowledge, unless
they have been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the appliance
by a person responsible for their safety.
Do not use the appliance if any part or any •
accessory is damaged or defective. If a part
or an accessory is damaged or defective,
it must be replaced by the manufacturer or
an authorised repair agent.
Do not use the appliance near bathtubs, •
showers, basins or other vessels containing

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