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You have purchased a Petra product. Our aim is
to provide quality products with a tasteful
design and at an affordable price. We hope that
you will enjoy this product for many years.
Description (fig. A)
Your 204000 Petra juicer has been designed
for rapidly pressing citrus fruits. The appliance
is suitable for indoor use only. The appliance is
suitable for domestic use only.
1. Power indicator
2. Pressing cone (small)
3. Pressing cone (large)
4. Pulp collector
5. Juice collector
6. Spindle
7. Dust lid
8. Motor housing
9. Automatic drip stop
10. Bottom plate
Note: The appliance can be used together with
the following models: 144001 Petra toaster /
234000 Petra water boiler / 244000 Petra coffee
Insert the mains plug of the appliance into •
the socket in the back of the juicer.
Insert the mains plug of the juicer into the •
wall socket.
Initial use
Clean the appliance. Refer to the section •
"Cleaning and maintenance".
Clean the accessories. Refer to the section •
"Cleaning and maintenance".
Assembly (fig. A)
Before you proceed, we need you to pay
attention to the following notes:
- Before assembly or disassembly, remove
the mains plug from the wall socket and
wait until the appliance has cooled down.
Place the spindle (6) into the motor housing •
Place the juice collector (5) onto the spindle •
Place the pulp collector (4) into the juice •
collector (5).
Place the small pressing cone (2) onto the •
pulp collector (4).
If required, place the large pressing cone •
(3) onto the small pressing cone (2).
Place the bottom plate (10) onto the •
bottom of the appliance.
Use (fig. A & B)
Hints for use
The appliance is equipped with an automatic
drip stop (9). The automatic drip stop (9) is
operated by placing a glass of sufficient weight
onto the bottom plate (10). If the glass does
not have sufficient weight, the spring of the
automatic drip stop (9) may push away the
Before you proceed, we need you to pay
attention to the following notes:
- Do not leave the appliance switched on
continuously for more than three minutes.
- Let the appliance cool down for
approximately five minutes after every ten
Assemble the appliance. Refer to the section •
Cut the citrus fruit in half.•
Insert the mains plug into the wall socket. •
The power indicator (1) comes on.
Place an empty glass onto the bottom •
plate (10).
Place the cut surface of one half onto the •
pressing cone:
- For small citrus fruits (lemons, limes,
etc.), use the small pressing cone.
- For large citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits,
etc.), use the large pressing cone.
Press the citrus fruit with one hand. The •
appliance automatically starts to press the
citrus fruit. The juice automatically flows
into the glass.
If the automatic drip stop (9) pushes away •
the glass, take one of the following actions:

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