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PBH 1500 A1
Appliance-specifi c safety instructions
for hammer drills
Wear ear protectors. Exposure to
noise can cause hearing loss.
Use auxiliary handle(s), if supplied with the
tool. Loss of control can cause personal injury.
Hold power tool by insulated gripping surfac-
es, when performing an operation where the
cutting accessory may contact hidden wiring
or its own cord. Cutting accessory contacting
a “live” wire may make exposed metal parts of
the power tool “live” and could give the opera-
tor an electric shock.
Wear a dust mask.
Working with harmful/toxic dusts results in
health hazards for the person operating the
appliance and for other persons in the area.
Take steps to ensure that you do not hit any
service lines (electricity, gas, water) when
working with the electric tool. If necessary,
check with a service line detector before you
start to cut or drill into a surface.
Original accessories/additional
Only use the accessories and additional
equipment that are specifi ed in the operat-
ing instructions and are compatible with the
Initial operation
Additional handle
For safety reasons, you should only use this
appliance with the additional handle
Remove the additional handle by turning it
clockwise direction.
Turn the additional handle to the desired
Fix the additional handle in the new position
by turning it anti- clockwise.
Depth stop
Open the wing screw .
Insert the depth stop into the additional
Ensure that the toothing on the depth stop is
facing upwards.
Pull the depth stop out far enough for the
distance between the tip of the drill and the tip
of the depth stop to correspond with the
required drilling depth.
Re-tighten the wing screw afterwards.
Pull the locking sleeve backwards and insert
the tool/chuck in the tool holder .
Release the locking sleeve . This locks the
holder. Check that the tool is properly locked by
pulling it. The system has radial play because of
the design.
Removing tool/chuck:
Pull the locking collar on the tool backwards.
Tighten the drill in the wheel-rim chuck at the
same time. To do this, apply the chuck key to all
the 3 positions on the wheel-rim chuck and
tighten the tool (e.g. drill) at the same time.
Do not use the wheel-rim chuck for ham-
mer drilling or chiselling!
IB_35391_PBH1500A1_LB1.indb 21IB_35391_PBH1500A1_LB1.indb 21 28.05.14 16:3528.05.14 16:35

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  • goede morgen
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    mijn mail is hdoorn@hotmail.com
    mvgr h van doorn Gesteld op 29-2-2020 om 20:55

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