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11 GB/IE
Start-up / Maintenance and Cleaning / Service / Warranty
Selecting the direction
Select the direction of rotation by setting the direction
Only use / adjust the rotation
with the device stopped.
Switching on and off
Switching on the device:
Press the ON / OFF switch
Switching the device off:
Release the ON / OFF switch
Activating permanent operation:
Press the ON / OFF switch
and lock whilst
pressed using the ON / OFF switch locking
Deactivating permanent operation:
Press and release the ON / OFF switch
Presetting the speed
The speed dial
3 a
allows you to adjust the operati
speed to specific speeds.
Which speed is most suitable depends on the
material you will be working on. We recommend
testing the speed to determine the correct setting.
Tip: These two basic rules about speeds are always
1. larger bore diameter = lower speed and vice
versa, smaller bore diameter = higher speed
2. hard material = low speed
Maintenance and Cleaning
RISK OF INJURY! Switch the
device off and unplug from the mains socket before
performing any work on the device.
Always keep the device clean, dry and free of
oil or grease.
Do not allow liquids to enter the hammer drill.
Use a dry cloth to clean the housing.
Regularly clean the tool holder
CAUTION! PRETENSION! Pull the locking
back and release the dust cap
Clean and grease components.
Have your appliance
repaired by qualified professionals
using OEM parts only. This will maintain
the safety of the device.
If the connection cable needs
to be replaced, this repair must be performed
by the manufacturer or a representative to pre-
vent safety hazards.
Note: Spare parts not listed (e.g. carbon brushes,
switches) can be ordered through our call centre.
The warranty for this appliance is for 3
years from the date of purchase. The ap-
pliance has been manufactured with care
and meticulously examined before deliv-
ery. Please retain your receipt as proof
of purchase. In the event of a warranty
claim, please make contact by telephone
with our Service Department. Only in this
way can a post-free despatch for your
goods be assured.
The warranty covers only claims for material and
maufacturing defects, but not for transport damage,
for wearing parts or for damage to fragile compo-
nents, e.g. buttons or batteries. This product is for pri-
vate use only and is not intended for commercial use.
The warranty is void in the case of abusive and im-
proper handling, use of force and internal tamper-
ing not carried out by our authorized service branch.
Your statutory rights are not restricted in any way
by this warranty.

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