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22 GB/IE
Safety instructionsSafety instructions
equipment, please obtain informa-
tion on the technical facts of this
This device may be used by chil-
dren age 16 years and up, as
well as by persons with reduced
physical, sensory or mental ca-
pacities or lacking experience
and / or knowledge, so long as
they are supervised or instructed
in the safe use of the device and
understand the associated risks.
Do not allow children to play
with the device. Cleaning and
user maintenance should not be
performed by children without
Only have repairs and / or main-
tenance performed by electrically
skilled persons.
Only use the welding cables
included (PESG 120 B4
H01N2-D1x10 mm²).
During use the equipment should
not be located directly against a
wall, be covered, or be jammed
between other equipment to en-
sure ample air can be taken in
through the ventilation louvres.
Verify the equipment is correctly
connected to the mains voltage.
Avoid any tensile load on the
mains. Unplug the mains plug
from the socket before transfer-
ring the equipment to a different
Always switch the equipment off
with the ON / OFF switch when
not in use. Set the electrode
holder down on an insulated
pad and allow to cool for 15
minutes before removing the
electrodes from the holder.
Pay attention to the condition of
the welding cables, the electrode
holders and the earth terminals.
Worn insulation and conducting
parts can produce hazards and
reduce the welding quality.
Arc welding produces sparks,
melted metal parts and smoke.
Therefore note: Remove any
flammable substances and / or
materials from the work area
and its immediate surroundings.
Ensure the work area is ventilated.
Do not weld atop containers, re-
ceptacles or pipes, which do or
did contain flammable liquids or
Avoid any direct
contact with the welding circuit.
The no-load voltage between
the electrode holder and earth
terminal can be dangerous, there
is a risk of electric shock.

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De handleiding is 2,75 mb groot.


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