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21 GB/IE
Introduction / Safety instructions
Arc welder PESG 120 B4
Congratulations! You have
chosen a high-quality device
from our company. Familiarise
yourself with the product before using it for the first
time. In addition, please carefully refer to the oper-
ating instructions and the safety advice below. Initial
operation of this tool must be performed by trained
Intended use
This electric welding equipment is suitable for
manual arc welding using the appropriate coated
electrodes. Improper product handling can be dan-
gerous to persons, animals and objects. Only use
the welding shield with welding glass and protec-
tive glass overlay marked accordingly, and only for
welding. The welding shield is not suitable for laser
welding! Only use the product as described and
for the indicated purpose. Keep these instructions in
a safe place. When passing this product on to others,
please also include all the documents. Any use other
than the intended is prohibited and potentially dan-
gerous. Damages resulting from noncompliance or
misuse are not covered by the warranty and are not
included in the manufacturer‘s liability. This device
has been designed for household use and may not
be used for commercial or industrial purposes.
Parts description
Electric Welding Equipment
1 Handle
2 ON / OFF switch
3 Hand wheel
4 Earth terminal
5 Electrode holder
6 Overheating control lamp
Welding shield
7 Welding shield
8 Handle
9 Brush
10 Protective glass
Technical Data
Mains connection: 230 V∼ 50 Hz
Max. welding current
and the respective
conventional load voltage: 75 A /
21 V-100 A / 22 V
Rated value
of the mains current: U1: 230 V
Highest rated value
of the mains current: I1max: 22.5 A
Maximum effective
input current: I1eff: 7 A
Rated value of the
no-load voltage: U0: 48 V
Protection type: IP21S
Scope of delivery
1 Arc welder
1 Welding shield
2 Welding cables
1 Combination wire brush with chipping hammer
1 Instructions for assembly and use
Safety instructions
Please carefully read the instructions
for use and follow the specified no-
tices. Familiarise yourself with the
equipment, its proper use and the
safety notices using these instructions
for use. The nameplate contains all
the technical data for this welding
List of pictograms used
5 Welding electrodes (2x 1.6mm /
2x 2mm / 1x 2.5mm)

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