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O Do not force the Outer Lid open while pressure cooking.
(It may cause a burn or injury due to hot water jetting out.)
« The container must not be opened until the pressure has decreased sufficiently. Pressure remains while
the indicator is on or steam is being discharged, so wait until the indicator goes out and
steam is no longer discharged from the Steam Vent.
* For further details if the Outer Lid needs to be opened, see P.11.
O Do not let anyone lick the instrument plug.
Pay an extra attention to infants.
(It may cause an electric shock or injury.)
O This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced
physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge,
unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the
appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised
to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
(It may cause a burn, injury or electric shock.)
O Use “Congee”, “Mixed”, “Casserole” or “Grains/Rice” program when cooking rice
with other ingredients.
(Steam may leak or cooking contents may jet out, causing a burn or injury.)
O Use only a power outlet rated at 10 amperes and alternating electric current at
220 volts.
(Plugging other devices into the same outlet may cause electric overheating, which may cause a fire.)
Use only an extended cord rated at 10 amperes at least.
O Insert the instrument plug and the power plug firmly.
(It may cause smoking, a fire or electric shock.)
O Clean the power plug regularly.
A soiled power plug may cause insufficient insulation due to the moisture, and lint build-up, which may
cause a fire.
« Unplug the power plug, and wipe with the dry cloth.
O Discontinue using the appliance immediately and unplug when abnormality or
breaking down occurs.
(It may cause smoking, a fire or electric shock.)
e.g. for abnormality or breaking down:
The power plug and the power cord become abnormally hot.
The power cord is damaged or power failure when is touched.
The main body is deformed or abnormally hot.
Smoke exudes from the main body or a burning odor is detected.
The main body is cracked, is loose or rattles.
The fan in the bottom is not rotating during cooking.
« Please contact an authorized service center (as described in the Warranty) for a check or repair
O Close the Outer Lid firmly until it clicks.
(To prevent a burn or injury caused by steam leaking or the opening of the Outer Lid.)
To ensure that the Outer Lid can be closed, remove foreign objects such as rice
grains on the Hooks, Clear Frame, Stoppers, Packing of Inner Lid, or around the
Steam Cap.
O Keep the power cord out of reach of children.
Do not let the power cord hang over the edge of the table or worktop.
(Pulling on the power cord may result in the appliance falling from the table or worktop, causing an injury.)
O Always keep the children away from the appliance.
(It may cause a burn, injury or electric shock.)
Children do not realize dangers that are likely to occur because of improper
use of electrical appliances.
O Beware not to trip over or catch in the power cord while in use.
(Otherwise it may result in an injury, or the damaged power cord causing a fire or electric shock.)
O Use a power outlet which you are sure includes an earth.
The power plug of this appliance is designed for a power outlet with an earth.
(Use of a power outlet without an earth may result in a malfunction or electric shock due to electrical leakage.)
O Do not expose the power plug to steam.
Do not expose the power plug to steam when it is plugged in.
(It may cause an electric shock, or fire caused by short circuit.)
« When using a cabinet with sliding table, use the appliance where
the power plug cannot be exposed to steam.
O Do not use another inner pan other than the one specified or the deformed Inner Pan.
(It may cause a burn or injury due to overheat or malfunction.)
O Do not touch heating elements while the appliance is in use or after cooking.
Especially the Steam Cap, Water Vessel, Inner Lid and metal parts, such as the Clear Frame, near the
Inner Pan
The Water Vessel is heated and becomes hot so that the quantity of water in the Water Vessel can be
detected immediately after cooking starts.
(It may cause a burn.)
« Use a dry cloth or oven mitts when removing the Inner Pan while it is hot.
Safety Precautions
Please make sure to follow
these instructions

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