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Safety Precautions
Please make sure to follow
these instructions
In order to prevent accidents or injuries to the user, other people, and damage to
property, please follow the instructions below.
Q The following charts indicate the degree of damage caused by wrong
Indicates serious injury or death.
Indicates risk of injury or property damage.
Q The symbols are classified and explained as follows.
This symbol indicates prohibition.
This symbol indicates requirement that must be followed.
O Do not use the appliance if the power cord or power plug is damaged or the power
plug is loosely connected to the power outlet.
(It may cause an electric shock, or fire caused by short circuit.)
« If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from the
manufacturer or its service agent.
O Do not damage the power cord or power plug.
The following actions are strictly prohibited.
Damaging, modifying, touching on or placing near heating elements, forcefully bending, twisting, pulling,
pulled over sharp edges, putting heavy objects on top, bundling, pinching the power cord and carrying the
appliance by the power cord.
(It may cause a fire or electric shock due to damage to the power cord or power plug.)
O Do not plug or unplug the power plug with wet hands.
Always ensure that hands are dry before handling the power plug or switching on the appliance.
(It may cause an electric shock or injury.)
O Do not insert any object in the vent or the gap.
Especially metal objects such as pins or wires.
(It may cause an electric shock, or injury caused by malfunction.)
Exhaust vent
Intake vent
O Do not wash the main body with water, immerse the appliance in water or splash it
with water.
(It may cause an electric shock, or fire caused by short circuit.)
« Please contact an authorized service center (as described in the Warranty) if water gets inside the
O Do not modify, disassemble, or repair the appliance.
(It may cause a fire, electric shock or injury.)
« Please contact an authorized service center (as described in the Warranty) for a repair.
O Do not use the appliance for any purpose other than those described in these
(It may cause a fire, burn, injury or electric shock.)
Panasonic will not accept any liability if the appliance is subject to improper use, or failure to comply with
these instructions.
O Do not get your face close to the Steam Vent or the Steam
Cap or touch them with your hand while cooking or
immediately after cooking.
Pay an extra attention to infants.
Steam jets out from the Steam Vent.
(It may cause a burn.)
Steam Vent
O Do not put anything in the Inner Pan to block the Filter,
Pressure Control Holes, Safety Valve or the hole in the
Inner Lid.
(Steam may leak or cooking contents may jet out, causing a burn or injury.)
<Examples of prohibited ingredients>
Ingredients that expand upon boiling (such as paste, beans or noodles).
« Boil beans in a separate pot first before use.
Ingredients that start to foam suddenly upon heating (such as baking soda).
Ingredients with thin peels that may float (such as green vegetables or tomatoes).
<Examples of prohibited cooking methods>
Cooking with the ingredients or seasoning in a plastic bag.
Cooking by using a baking sheet in place of the lid.
Cooking ingredients into thick sauces (such as curry, stew or jam).
Cooking with a large quantity of oil.
O Do not use under the following conditions.
(Steam may leak or cooking contents may jet out, causing a burn or injury.)
The Safety Valve do not move up/down.
The Filter, Pressure Control Holes or Hole in the Inner Lid are blocked.
« The ducts in the pressure regulator allowing the escape of steam should be checked regularly to
ensure that they are not blocked.
The Outer Lid has not been closed firmly until it clicks.
Foreign objects such as rice grains stuck on the inner surface of the appliance.
In particular the Hooks, Clear Frame, Stoppers, Packing of Inner Lid, or around the Steam Cap.
The Inner Lid has become bent or deformed.
No filter has been attached to the Inner Lid.
The Steam Cap has not been attached.
The Packing of the Steam Cap has come off.
O Do not open the Outer Lid or carry the appliance while cooking.
(Steam may leak or cooking contents may jet out, causing a burn or injury.)
The Outer Lid may not be opened after cooking.

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