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ª Using The Built-in Video Flash
The available range of the Video Flash is
approximately 1 to 2.5 metres in a dark places.
Picture will appear dark when they are recorded
by using the Video Flash at distances greater
than 2.5 metres.
Object of recording may appear dark if Video
Flash is lighted in front of white background.
Using the Video Flash fixes the shutter speed of
1/750 s or faster to 1/500.
Continuous Photoshot is not possible if the
Video Flash is used.
In the following cases, using the Video Flash is
not possible:
Night View Function
Card Continuous Photoshot Function -43-
MPEG4 Recording -44-
The picture may become out of focus in a dark
place. In this case, adjust the focus manually.
Tele Conversion Lens (VW-LT3714ME;
optional) or Wide Conversion Lens
(VW-LW3707M3E; optional) can block flash
light and may cause vignetting effect.
Even if the [RED EYE REDUCTION] is set to
[ON], you still may get red eyes phenomenon
depending on the recording condition.
The Movie Camera, even when its Video Flash
has been turned off, automatically determines
whether the flash light is necessary or not by
detecting the ambient brightness. (If it
determines that the flash light is necessary, the
[ß] Indication flashes in yellow.)
When the [ß], [ßi] or [ßj] Indication is
displayed, the Video Flash can be lighted.
(When flashing in white, the Video Flash is
Charging the Video Flash takes 4 seconds
maximum after lighting.
When the [P-IN-P] Button is pressed or Title is
created, Video Flash is also lighted.
When the [FLASH] on the
[RECORDING SETUP] Sub-Menu is set to
[AUTO] and the Shutter Speed, Iris or Gain is
adjusted, the Indication (either [ß], [ßi] or
[ßj]) may disappear and the Video Flash may
not be lighted.
Using the Video Flash VW-FLH3E (optional)
Using the Video Flash outdoors or with
backlight or other bright conditions may result in
white blotches (colour blotches) on the pictures.
In this case, either adjust the iris manually or
use the Backlight Compensation Function.
Using the Video Flash VW-FLH3E (optional)
enables you to record still pictures farther than
2.5 metres in a dark place. The available range
is approximately 1 to 4 metres.
The Video Flash VW-FLH3E (optional) and the
Built-in Video Flash cannot be used
When using the Video Flash VW-FLH3E
(optional), the shutter speed, the iris and the
white balance become fixed.
ª Digital Effect Functions
It is not possible to use [MULTI], [P-IN-P],
[WIPE], [MIX] or [TRAIL] of [EFFECT1] together
with the digital modes of [EFFECT2] on the
If you have set [EFFECT2] to [B/W] or [SEPIA],
changing the selected White Balance Mode is
not possible. (
Setting the Cinema Mode cancels the
Picture-in-Picture Mode and the Multi-Picture
In the following cases, using the [EFFECT1]
on the [DIGITAL EFFECT] Sub-Menu is not
When [PROGRESSIVE] is set to [ON] (
When the Night View Mode is set (
In the following cases, using the Digital Effect
Function is not possible.
Card Mode
Title In
It is as follows when [GAIN UP] is selected.
Manual Focus Mode
The shutter speed and White Balance cannot
be operated.
The Sports Mode [5], the Portrait Mode [7]
and Low Light Mode [4] are cancelled.
Wipe Mode and Mix Mode
If either one of the following operations is carried
out, stored images will be erased, and Wipe and
Mix Functions cannot be used.
Use the Camera Search Function
Press the [STILL] Button
Picture-in-Picture Mode
If the [OFF/ON/MODE] Switch is operated, the
smaller picture disappears.
Titles cannot be inserted into the smaller
Multi-Picture Mode
If the [MULTI] Button is pressed while
self-recording Mirror Mode (
-21-) is used, the still
picture is displayed from the upper right corner
of the screen, but, in reality, the picture is
recorded from the upper left corner as usual.
Multi-Picture Mode cannot be used in digital still
picture mode.
The quality of Multi images deteriorates slightly.
The top and bottom of the Multi pictures will be
cut off slightly.
70B-ENG.book 61 ページ 2003年3月27日 木曜日 午前11時53分

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic NVGS70

Panasonic NVGS70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 20 pagina's

Panasonic NVGS70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 20 pagina's

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