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Camera Mode
When the [SEARCHj] Button is pressed,
images are played back in the reverse direction.
When the [SEARCHi] Button is pressed,
images are played back in the forward direction.
ª To Finish the Recording
Set the [OFF/ON/MODE] Switch (49) to [OFF].
For other notes concerning this item, see
ª To Add a Sound while Recording
With the supplied Free Style Remote Controller
with Mic connected to the [REMOTE] Socket
you can add a narration while recording is in
While the [TALK] Button
(89) is pressed, the [ ]
Indication is displayed and the sound is recorded
from [MIC]
While the [TALK] Button is pressed, the built-in
microphone does not operate.
We recommend to keep the distance of
approximately 10 cm between the [MIC]
and the mouth when recording.
ª Recording Yourself
By opening the LCD Monitor and rotating it
frontward (to the lens side), you can let the
subject in front of the Movie Camera monitor the
shot while recording is in progress.
When the LCD Monitor is opened, the
Viewfinder is disabled automatically. However,
when the LCD Monitor is rotated frontward, the
image is also shown in the Viewfinder.
If you prefer to have the image on the LCD
Monitor to look like an image in a mirror, set
Sub-Menu to [MIRROR]. Images are recorded
normally and no left and right reversal occurs.
If [MIRROR] is used during self-recording, only
the basic indications, such as the Recording
Indication [ ] (Red) or [¥], Recording Pause
Indication [ ] (Cyan) or [¥;] and Remaining
Battery Power Indication [x], are displayed.
If a general Warning/Alarm Indication [°]
appears, return the LCD Monitor to the original
position in order to check the specific content of
the Warning/Alarm Indication.
Quick Start
By pressing the [QUICK START] Button (26), and
the Movie Camera will be ready for recording in
approximately 1.7 seconds after the Movie
Camera is turned on.
1 Press the [QUICK START] Button (26).
The Quick Start Recording Lamp
(27) lights
2 Set the [OFF/ON/MODE] Switch (49) to
The Quick Start Recording Lamp remains lit.
3 Set the [OFF/ON/MODE] Switch (49) to [ON].
The Movie Camera will be ready for recording
in approximately 1.7 seconds.
To Cancel the Quick Start
Keep the [QUICK START] Button pressed for
approximately 2 seconds and make sure the
Quick Start Recording Lamp is not lit.
For other notes concerning this item, see
This Movie Camera can take approximately
7 seconds still pictures containing sound.
1 Set the [TAPE/CARD/CARD MODE] Selector
(35) to [TAPE].
70B-ENG.book 21 ページ 2003年3月27日 木曜日 午前11時53分

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic NVGS70

Panasonic NVGS70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 20 pagina's

Panasonic NVGS70 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 20 pagina's

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