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Baking guidelines
For traditional cakes, with long cooking times,
baked on convection mode only, it is
necessary to cover the top of the tin with foil
10-15 mins. after the start of baking. This is
not applicable to any of the recipes in this
ish size/shape
Always use the exact dish size stated in the
following recipes, otherwise cooking times
and results will be affected.
Cakes cooked by microwave need to be well
mixed, but not over beaten. Generally it is
unnecessary to cream butter and sugar or beat
eggs in an electric mixer or food processor. Do
not attempt to cook whisked/fatless sponges, or
any cakes containing whisked egg white.
The following recipes have been tested using
medium eggs. Using a different size of egg
may affect cooking times.
Combination cooking.
DO NOT use spring form tins, use smooth,
and preferably seamless metal cake tins.
125 g (4 oz) butter
200 g (7 oz) dark chocolate
(72% cocoa solids)
175 g (6 oz) soft brown
muscovado sugar
2 eggs, beaten
Few drops of vanilla essence
50 g (2 oz) plain flour
5 ml (1 tsp) baking powder
Luscious chocolate brownies
Dish: 18 cm (7") square dish, lined
Oven accessory: glass turntable + metal tray
1. Melt the butter with 50 g of the chocolate in a bowl on
MEDIUM power for 1 minute 30 seconds.
2. Put the eggs, sugar and vanilla essence in a bowl, then sift in
the flour and baking powder.
3. Stir in the melted chocolate and butter mixture and mix well.
4. Chop the remaining chocolate into rough chunks and stir into
the brownie mixture.
5. Spoon into the dish, spread evenly and cook on metal tray,
Combination: CONVECTION 220°C + SIMMER power for
9-12 minutes until firm.
225 g (8 oz) self-raising flour
pinch salt
5 ml (1 tsp) baking powder
50 g (2 oz) butter
25 g (1 oz) caster sugar
50 g (2 oz) sultanas
100 ml (3
fl oz) milk
beaten egg to glaze
Fruit scones Makes 12
Dish: baking sheet (round)
Oven accessory: glass turntable + metal tray
1. Preheat oven on CONVECTION 210°C.
2. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder together. Rub in fat
until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add sugar
and sultanas.
3. Make a well in the centre and stir in enough milk to form a
soft dough.
4. Knead lightly. Pat out to 2cm (
") thick and cut into 10
rounds with a 5 cm (2") cutter. Place on baking sheet, brush
with beaten egg and cook on CONVECTION 210°C for 15
mins. or until well risen and golden brown.

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