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This product is an equipment that fulfills the European standard for EMC disturbances (EMC =
Electromagnetic Compatibility) EN 55011. According to this standard this product is an
equipment of group 2, class B and is within required limits. Group 2 means that radio-frequency
energy is intentionally generated in the form of electromagnetic radiation for warming up of
foods. Class B means that this product may be used in normal household areas.
Technical specifications
Rated voltage: 230-240 V 50 Hz
Operating frequency: 2,450 MHz
Input power: Max 2390 W
Microwave 1135 W
Grill 1305 W
Convection 1320 W
Output power: 1000 W (IEC-60705)
Grill 1300 W
Convection 1300 W
Outer dimensions: 520 mm (W) x 395 mm (D) x 310 mm (H)
Oven Cavity dimensions: 359 mm (W) x 352 mm (D) x 217 mm (H)
Weight: with internal accessories 15 kg
Noise: 50 dB
Weight and dimensions are approximate.
Information on Disposal for Users of Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment
(private households)
This symbol on the products and/or accompanying documents means that used
electrical and electronic products should not be mixed with general household
For proper treatment, recovery and recycling, please take these
products to designated collection points, where they will be accepted on a free
of charge basis. Alternatively, in some countries you may be able to return your
products to your local retailer upon the purchase of an equivalent new product.
Disposing of this product correctly will help to save valuable resources and
prevent any potential negative effects on human health and the environment
which could otherwise arise from inappropriate waste handling. Please contact your local
authority for further details of your nearest designated collection point.
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal of this waste, in accordance with
national legislation.
For business users in the European Union
If you wish to discard electrical and electronic equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier
for further information.
Information on Disposal in other Countries outside the European Union
This symbol is only valid in the European Union.
If you wish to discard this product, please contact your local authorities or dealer and ask for the
correct method of disposal.
Pursuant to the directive 2004/108/EC, article 9(2)
Panasonic Testing Centre
Panasonic Service Europe, a division of Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH
Winsbergring 15,22525 Hamburg, F.R.Germany
Manufactured by Panasonic Home Appliances Microwave Oven (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd, 898
Longdong Road, Pudong, Shanghai, 201203, China.

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