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The times given in the charts below are a guideline only, and will vary depending on STARTING temperature, dish size etc.
Your oven is Heating Category E and this is displayed on the
front of your oven door. The information on this label will
assist you in using new instructions on food packs to enable
you to program the best heating time in your oven.
The IEC (60705)
power output (watts)
The heating category for
small packs of food
Microwave symbol
For 7-8 fl.oz of milk from fridge temperature, remove top and teat. Heat on HIGH Power for 25-30 secs. CHECK CAREFULLY
For 3 fl.oz of milk from fridge temperature, remove top and teat. Heat on HIGH Power for 10-15 secs. CHECK CAREFULLY
N.B. Liquid at the top of the bottle will be much hotter than at the bottom of the bottle and must be shaken thoroughly before checking the temperature.
Milk or formula must always be tested carefully before feeding a baby.
BREAD – Pre-cooked – Fresh – N.B. Breads reheated by Microwave will have a soft base.
Place on micro-safe plate on turntable. Do not cover.
Place on heatproof plate on turntable. Do not cover.
Place on micro-safe plate on turntable. Do not cover.
Place on heatproof plate on turntable. Do not cover.
Place on micro-safe plate on turntable. Do not cover.
Place on heatproof plate on turntable. Do not cover.
Place on micro-safe plate on turntable. Do not cover.
Place on heatproof plate on turntable. Do not cover.
Always check that food is piping hot after reheating in the microwave. If unsure return to oven. Foods will still require a STAND TIME, especially if they
cannot be stirred. The denser the food the longer the stand time.
Time to
Select (approx)
15-20 secs.
2-3 mins.
30-40 secs.
3-5 mins.
15-20 secs.
3-4 mins.
30-40 secs.
4-5 mins.
HIGH power
or GRILL 1
HIGH power
or GRILL 1
HIGH power
or GRILL 1
HIGH power
or GRILL 1
Reheating charts

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