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Never disassemble except when disposing of the
-Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or injury.
Disconnect the adaptor from the household outlet
when not charging.
Failure to do so may cause electric shock or fire due to
electrical leakage resulting from insulation deterioration.
Check the system outer foil for cracks or
deformations before use.
-Cracks or deformations of the system outer foil may
result in injury to the skin.
Be sure to place the shaver in its carrying holder
when carrying around or storing.
-Failure to do so may cause injury to skin or reduce the
life of the system outer foil.
Disconnect the adaptor or the appliance plug by
holding onto them instead of the power cord.
-Disconnecting by holding onto the power cord may
cause electric shock or injury.
Do not allow pins or trash to adhere to the power
plug, the appliance plug or the side terminals.
-Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a
short circuit.
Do not use excessive pressure to apply the outer foil
to your lip or other part of your face. Do not apply
the outer foil directly to blemishes or injured skin.
-Doing so may cause injury to the skin.
Do not forcefully press the blades. Also, do not
touch the system outer foil with fingers or nails
when in use.
-Doing so may cause injury to skin or reduce the life of
the system outer foil.
Do not touch the blade section (metallic section) of
the inner blade.
-Doing so may cause injury to your hands.
Do not use this product for hair on head or any
other part of the body.
-Doing so may cause injury to skin or reduce the life of
the system outer foil.
Do not share your shaver with your family or other
-Doing so may result in infection or inflammation.
Do not drop or subject to shock.
-Doing so may cause injury.
Do not wrap the power cord around the Adaptor or
the charging stand when storing.
Doing so may cause the wire in the power cord to
break with the load, and may cause fire due to shorting.

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