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Immediately stop using and remove the adaptor if
there is an abnormality or failure.
-Using it in such conditions may cause fire, electric
shock, or injury.
<Abnormality or failure cases>
The main unit, adaptor, or power cord is deformed
or abnormally hot.
The main unit, adaptor, or power cord smells of
There is abnormal sound during use or charging of
the main unit, adaptor, or power cord.
-Immediately request inspection or repair at an
authorized service center.
If the oil is consumed accidentally, do not induce
vomiting, drink a large amount of water, and contact
a physician.
If the oil comes into contact with eyes, immediately
wash thoroughly with running water, and contact a
-Failure to do so may result in physical problems.
Do not connect or disconnect the adaptor to a
household outlet with a wet hand.
-Doing so may cause electric shock or injury.
Do not immerse the AC adaptor and the charging
stand in water or wash with water.
-Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a
short circuit.
Never use the AC adaptor and the charging stand in
the bathroom or shower room.
-Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a
short circuit.
Do not use anything other than the supplied AC
adaptor and the charging stand. Also, do not charge
any other product with the supplied AC adaptor and
the charging stand.
-Doing so may cause burn or fire due to shorting.
Never use the appliance if the AC adaptor is damaged
or if the plug fits loosely in a household outlet.
-Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a
short circuit.
Do not damage, break, modify, or forcibly bend, pull,
or twist the power cord.
Also, do not place anything heavy on or pinch the
power cord.
-Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a
short circuit.
Do not use in a way exceeding the rating of the
household outlet or the wiring.
Exceeding the rating by connecting too many plugs to
one household outlet may cause fire due to overheating.
Do not modify or repair.
-Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or injury.
Contact an authorized service center for repair (battery
change, etc.).
Do not store within the reach of children or infants.
Do not let them use it.
Putting the inner blades and/or the cleaning brush in the
mouth or drinking the oil may cause accidents and injury.

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