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128 VQT1Z93 VQT1Z93 129
Specifications DMC-TZ7
Digital Camera: Information for your safety
Power Source
DC 5.1 V
Power Consumption
When recording: 1.3 W
When playing back: 0.6 W
Camera effective pixels
10,100,000 pixels
Image sensor
1/2.33” CCD, total pixel number 12,700,000 pixels
Primary colour filter
Optical 12 x zoom
f=4.1 mm to 49.2 mm (35 mm film camera equivalent: 25 mm to 300 mm)/
F3.3 to F4.9
Digital zoom
Max. 4 x
Extra optical zoom
Max. 21.4 x
Normal/AF Macro/Macro zoom
Face detection/AF tracking/11-area-focusing/
1-area-focusing (High speed)/1-area-focusing/Spot-focusing
Focus range
Normal/Motion picture
50 cm (1.64 feet) (Wide)/2 m (6.57 feet) (Tele) to
Macro/Intelligent Auto/
3 cm (0.1 feet) (Wide)/ 1 m (3.28 feet) (Tele) to
(2 m (6.57 feet) unless max.T)
Scene mode
There may be difference in above settings.
Shutter system
Electronic shutter + Mechanical shutter
Motion picture recording
1280 x 720 pixels 50p recordings (Only when using an SD Memory Card)
CCD output is at 25fps
Approx. 17 Mbps/Approx. 13 Mbps/Approx. 9 Mbps (VBR), with stereo audio
Motion JPEG
1280 x 720 pixels / 848 x 480 pixels
/ 640 x 480 pixels
/ 320 x 240 pixels
( Only when using an SD Memory Card)
30 frames/second with stereo audio
Burst recording
Burst speed
2.3 pictures/second (Burst), Approx. 1.8 pictures/second (Unlimited)
Number of recordable
Max. 5 pictures (Standard), max. 3 pictures (Fine),
Depends on the remaining capacity of the built-in memory or the card
Hi-speed burst
Burst speed
Approx. 10 pictures/second (Speed priority)
Approx. 6 pictures/second (Image priority)
Number of recordable
Approx. 15 pictures (When using the built-in memory, immediately after
Max. 100 pictures (When using a card, it may differ depending on the type
of card and the recording conditions)
ISO sensitivity
[HIGH SENS.] mode: 1600 - 6400
Shutter speed
8 to 1/2000 th
[STARRY SKY] mode: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds
White balance
AUTO/Daylight/Cloudy/Shade/Halogen/White set
Exposure (AE)
AUTO (Programme AE)
Exposure compensation (1/3 EV Step, -2 EV to +2 EV)
Metering mode
Multiple/Centre weighted/Spot
LCD monitor
3.0” low-temperature polycrystalline TFT LCD (Approx. 460,800 dots)
(field of view ratio about 100 %)
Flash range: (ISO AUTO) Approx. 60 cm (1.97 feet) to 5.3 m (17.4 feet) (Wide)
AUTO, AUTO/Red-eye reduction, Forced flash ON (Forced flash ON/
Red-eye reduction), Slow sync./Red-eye reduction, Forced flash OFF
Microphone Stereo
Speaker Monaural
Recording media Built-in Memory (Approx. 40 MB)/SD Memory Card/SDHC Memory Card/
MultiMediaCard (Still pictures only)
Picture size
Still picture
When the aspect ratio setting is [
3648 x 2736 pixels / 3072 x 2304 pixels / 2560 x 1920 pixels /
2048 x 1536 pixels / 1600 x 1200 pixels / 640 x 480 pixels
When the aspect ratio setting is [
3776 x 2520 pixels / 3168 x 2112 pixels / 2656 x 1768 pixels /
2112 x 1408 pixels / 2048 x 1360 pixels
When the aspect ratio setting is [
3968 x 2232 pixels / 3328 x 1872 pixels / 2784 x 1568 pixels /
2208 x 1248 pixels / 1920 x 1080 pixels
Motion pictures
720 pixels / 848 x 480 pixels / 640 x 480 pixels / 320 x 240 pixels
( Only when using an SD Memory Card)
Quality Fine/Standard
Recording file format
Still Picture JPEG (based on Design rule for Camera File system, based on Exif 2.21
standard)/DPOF corresponding
Still pictures with audio JPEG (based on Design rule for Camera File system, based on Exif 2.21
standard) + QuickTime
Motion pictures AVCHD Lite/QuickTime Motion JPEG
Interface Digital: USB 2.0 (High Speed)
Data from the PC can not be written to the camera using the USB
connection cable.
Analogue video/audio:
NTSC/PAL Composit (Switched by menu), Audio line output (stereo)
Terminal HDMI: HDMI mini cable (type C)
AV/DIGITAL/MULTI: Dedicated jack (14 pin)
Dimensions (excluding the
projection part)
Approx. 103.3 mm (W) x 59.6 mm (H) x 32.8 mm (D)
[4.07” (W) x 2.35” (H) x 1.29” (D)]
Mass Excluding card and battery: Approx. 206
(7.3 oz)/
With card and battery: Approx. 229 (8.1 oz)
Operating temperature 0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F)
Operating humidity 10 % to 80 %
Battery charger
(Panasonic DE-A66A): Information for your safety
Output CHARGE 4.2 V 0.65 A
Input 110 V to 240 V 50/60Hz, 0.2 A
Battery Pack (lithium-ion)
(Panasonic DMW-BCG10E): Information for your safety
Voltage/capacity (Minimum) 3.6 V / 895 mAh

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic DMC-TZ6

Panasonic DMC-TZ6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 64 pagina's

Panasonic DMC-TZ6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 64 pagina's

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