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126 VQT1Z93 VQT1Z93 127
Recording picture/time capacity
Recording picture capacity (still pictures)
Varies according to ‘ASPECT RATIO’ (P.70), ‘PICTURE SIZE’ (P.69), or ‘QUALITY’
(P.70) settings.
Recording time capacity (motion pictures)
Varies according to ‘REC QUALITY’ (P.80) setting.
Built-in memory 1 min 27 s
32 MB 16 s 17 s 56 s
64 MB 37 s 39 s 1 min 58 s
128 MB 1 min 18 s 1 min 22 s 4 min
256 MB 2 min 35 s 2 min 40 s 7 min 50 s
512 MB 5 min 10 s 5 min 20 s 15 min 40 s
1 GB 10 min 20 s 10 min 50 s 31 min 20 s
2 GB 21 min 20 s 22 min 10 s 1 h 4 min
4 GB 41 min 50 s 43 min 40 s 2 h 5 min
6 GB 1 h 3 min 1 h 6 min 3 h 11 min
8 GB 1 h 25 min 1 h 28 min 4 h 15 min
12 GB 2 h 8 min 2 h 14 min 6 h 26 min
16 GB 2 h 52 min 2 h 59 min 8 h 35 min
32 GB 5 h 45 min 5 h 59 min 17 h 13 min
For the operating procedures for the DMC-TZ7, see P.124.
Figures given are estimates. May vary according to conditions, card type, and subject.
Recording capacities/times displayed on LCD monitor may not be reduced regularly.
10 M
7 M EZ
5 M EZ
3 M EZ
2 M EZ
0.3 M EZ
9 M
6 M EZ
4.5 M EZ
2.5 M EZ
7.5 M
5.5 M EZ
3.5 M EZ
2 M EZ
Built-in memory
7 14 9 19 13 26 28 54 45 84 200 320 7 16 10 21 20 39 31 60 8 18 11 23 23 46 41 79
32 MB
4 9 6 12 8 16 18 35 29 55 130 200 4 10 6 13 12 25 20 39 5 11 7 14 15 30 27 51
64 MB
10 20 13 26 18 35 38 73 60 110 270 420 10 22 14 28 27 53 42 81 12 24 15 31 32 62 56 105
128 MB
21 41 28 55 37 72 77 145 120 220 550 860 22 45 30 59 56 105 87 165 25 50 32 63 66 125 110 210
256 MB
41 82 55 105 73 140 150 290 240 440 1080 1690 45 88 59 115 105 210 170 320 50 98 64 125 125 240 220 420
512 MB
83 160 110 210 145 280 300 580 470 880 2150 3350 90 175 115 220 210 420 330 640 99 195 125 240 250 490 440 830
1 GB
165 320 220 430 290 560 600 1160 950 1770 4310 6710 180 350 230 460 430 850 670 1280 200 390 250 490 510 990 880 1670
2 GB
340 660 450 870 590 1130 1220 2360 1920 3610 8780 12290 360 720 480 930 890 1700 1360 2560 400 790 520 1000 1040 1980 1800 3410
4 GB
660 1310 880 1720 1170 2230 2410 4640 3770 7090 17240 24130 720 1410 940 1820 1740 3350 2680 5020 800 1560 1030 1970 2040 3890 3540 6700
6 GB
1010 1990 1340 2620 1780 3390 3660 7050 5730 10790 26210 36700 1100 2150 1440 2770 2650 5090 4070 7640 1220 2380 1560 3000 3100 5910 5390
8 GB
1360 2660 1800 3500 2380 4540 4910 9440 7670 14440 35080 49120 1470 2880 1930 3720 3550 6820 5450 10230 1630
2090 4020 4160
12 GB
2050 4020 2720 5290 3590 6860 7400 14240 11570 21790 52920 74090 2230 4350 2910 5610 5360 10290 8230
11950 10890 20580
16 GB
2740 5370 3630 7050 4790 9150 9880 19000
15440 29070
70600 98840 2970 5810 3890 7480 7160 13720
10980 20590 3290 6410
8100 8370 15940 14530 27450
32 GB
5500 10770 7280 14160 9620 18350 19820 38120 30970 58310
141620 198270
5970 11660
7800 15010 14360 27530 22020 41300 6600 12870 8470 16250 16800 31970 29150 55070
When the number of recordable pictures exceeds 99,999, ‘+99999’ is displayed.
A maximum of approx. 15 minutes of continuous motion picture can be recorded. (Even
if there is more than 15 minutes of available space on the card, the available recording
time will be calculated for a maximum of 15 minutes.)
The time displayed on the left is the total time.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic DMC-TZ6

Panasonic DMC-TZ6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 64 pagina's

Panasonic DMC-TZ6 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 64 pagina's

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