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Two operating modes are possible: FIXED and ALTERNATING.
With the cursor indicating “ ”, the message “AL” (Alternating) or “FI” (Fixed) is
on the display, depending on whether the alternating or fixed mode is configured.
Use keys 1X or 10X to change the mode. When the switch is turned to fixed mode,
it works normally, whereas in alternating mode each day the manoeuvres of the
astronomic and programmable circuit are switched (the luminaries consequently
have a homogeneous ageing).
This function is used to turn off the programmable circuit at different times on
certain days of the year, for example on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, eves of
holidays and holidays, in respect of the other days.
With the program cursor indicating “V holidays”, the message “WE” (Weekend) is
displayed . Using keys 1X or 10X you can select We on or WE off.
WE on: the special switching off of the programmable circuit is made on Friday
night and on Saturday night.
WE off: It does not make any special switching off during the weekend.
Then press INTRO and the message “HOLI” (holiday) will appear, selecting HOLI
on or HOLI off with keys 1X or 10X.
HOLI on: The special switch-off of the programmable circuit will be made on the
holiday eve night, and besides, if WE is activated “on” (Friday and Saturday nights),
then the switch-off will also be made on Sunday night.
HOLI off: The special switch-off of the programmable circuit will be made on
holiday eve.
Then press INTRO and introduce the switch-off time of the special days with keys
1X, 10x and INTRO.
If you want to keep the programmable circuit switched on all the night during these
special days, press CLEAR and --:-- will appear on the display.
If you do not want to switch on the programmable circuit on those special days,
program 13:00 as time for disconnection.
By pressing INTRO, the digits will flash.
After programming the switch-off time, the date digits will flash. With keys 1X, 10X
and INTRO we will program holiday eves (day/month/--) up to a maximum of 31.
Example: For the early morning of the 24
to 25
December to be considered a
holiday eve, 24
December must be programmed.
Password is a security system to avoid unauthorised adjustment in DATA ASTRO.
With the cursor in “Auto” program, password is activated initially by using keys
CLEAR and then INTRO. Using keys 1X, 10X and INTRO can program the
password. Once it is introduced, it will be stored by pressing key .
If the password is activated and if any key is pressed, --:-- will be shown on the
display, indicating us that we must introduce the password. Pressing key ”Y”
will be shown on the top left corner of the display indicating it is correct. After
having introduced the password and if any key is pressed, the switch returns to
“Auto” in 40-50 seconds. If password is not correct an “N” appears and you should
try again; pressing key you have access to the programmed data allowing us
to modify them.
Once the correct password has been introduced and if “Y” is on the display,
password can be cancelled pressing “CLEAR” or it can be modified with key 1X
and 10X. The new password can be accepted or cancelled by pressing key .
Switching on and off can be made manually. With the cursor in “Auto” we can
change the position of the contact by pressing key 10X for astronomic circuit and
key 1X for programmable circuit. These switchings are nor permanent, that is to
say, circuits recover their normal position with subsequent programming or by
means of the “CLEAR” key.
Flashing the “Auto” program cursor indicates override. If the password was
activated, no manual switching can be made until the password is introduced.
Supply: According to characteristics label
+10% –15%
Breaking capacity 10 (2) A/250 V
Recommended maximum charges
Incandescent lamps 2000 W
Non compensated fluorescents 500 W
Compensated fluorescents Unsuitable
Low tension halogens 1500 VA
Halogens (230 V) 2000 W
Low consumption lamps Unsuitable
Own consumption: 5 VA
Switching accuracy: Better than 1 second
Accuracy: Better than 1 sec./ day between
20 ºC and 30 ºC
Standby 30 days
Operating Temperature: -10 ºC to +45 ºC
Type of protection: IP 20 according to EN 60529
Class of protection: II according to EN 60335 in correct
mounting conditions.
This unit incorporates a battery which contents can be harmful to the enviroment.
Please do not throw it away without removing the battery and putting it in the
proper container for recycled batteries or to send the complete unit back to the
Julio 2003
Lérida, 61 Tel.: + 34 91 567 22 77
E-28020 MADRID Fax + 34 91 571 40 06
E-mail: info@orbis.es

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