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DATA ASTRO allows to control the luminous loads according to sunrise and sunset
hours. It has a program which automatically adjusts the on and off hours every 4
days, without maintenance.
It has two circuits: one “AST” totally astronomical – it switches on at sunset time
and it switches off at sunrise – and other “PRO” which allows to switch off and
switch on during the night. These manoeuvres may be different for working days,
festivities or weekends. DATA ASTRO automatically changes Summer/Winter
WARNING: The installation and assembly of the electric appliances must be
performed by an authorised fitter.
VERY IMPORTANT: The apparatus is protected against inside interference by a
safety circuit. Certain particularly strong electro-magnetic fields may however affect
its performance.
Interference can be avoided by following these installation rules:
Do not install the apparatus near inductive charges (motors,
transformers, etc.).
There should be a separate power line (with a network filter if necessary).
Inductive charges to be fitted with interference suppressers
(varistor, RC filter).
In case of using the time switch with other apparatus in the installation, it is
necessary to check that the group do not generate parasitic interference.
MOUNTING: In distribution cabinet, provided with symmetrical profile of 35 mm in
accordance with standard EN 50.022 (rail DIN).
CONNECTION: connection diagram
There are seven functions indicated in both views of the display, besides the
normal “Auto” operating mode.
Pressing the key the program cursor moves from one mode to other.
If no programming is done in approximately 40 seconds, the cursor will
automatically be set at the normal “Auto” operating mode.
Otherwise press and the cursor will continue to the next programming mode.
Key 10X increases the data by ten units flashing at each moment, key 1X
increases it by one unit and key INTRO validates the data. The CLEAR key resets
the contents of the data to zero.
If DATA ASTRO has run down in standby mode by connecting it, the program
cursor will be automatically placed in “ “, having to program date and time.
Using the cursor indicating “ ”, the time data (large digits) and the date (small
digits) are displayed on the monitor. The data which is on the display can be
changed using keys 1X, 10X and CLEAR. To accept the programmed data, press
The programming starts with the date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) followed by the time
When the cursor is set at “Area”, the monitor shows us a letter followed by a digit
which correspond to a point on the map. The flashing data on the display can be
modified by pressing keys 1X, 10X and CLEAR. DATA ASTRO will calculate
sunrise and sunset for this precise point.
When the cursor displays V/I , the message SU (Summer) or W(Winter) appears on
the display, as well as the day when summertime or wintertime start respectively.
Pressing CLEAR, --/--/ appear on the display which tells us that the time change is
now deactivated. Pressing CLEAR again we obtain the date of change by default. If
you wish to change this date, use keys 1X and 10X to modify the flashing data on
the monitor. Press INTRO to accept the programmed data.
With the cursor indicating “+/- AST” you can program a positive or negative time
correction (± 99 minutes) to adjust the apparatus up to the maximum to daylight in
every situation (mountains, valleys, etc.)
The adjustment will be made adding “” or subtracting “” minutes to obtain the
new sunset and sunrise. To return to the original data without any adjustment,
press CLEAR.
When the place of installation does not coincide exactly with the selected point on
the map, this can be corrected with “ +/- AST “, remembering that every degree to
the West means adding on four minutes, and deducting them when this is shifted
to the East. The latitude and longitude in degrees assigned to the map co-
ordinates are shown in the table of parallel and meridians.
This circuit can be programmed to effect a partial turn-off (or reduction in
consumption) at night. If the cursor is signalling “ OFF PRO” an OFF message
appears on the screen. Using keys 1X, 10X and INTRO, we can program the
switch off time (PRO.OFF). Pressing INTRO again an “ON” message appears on
the display, programming then the switching on (PRO.ON) in the same way.
To delete any manoeuvre (PRO.OFF-PRO.ON) you must set on it and press
CLEAR, appearing on the screen --:--.

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