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Store the phone long term. If you plan to store the phone for a long term, charge
it to 60% or above every month.
External environment. Avoid exposing your phone battery to humid environment
or sun exposure.
Keep a good using habit. Using features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and GPS or
keeping them active in the background may drain the battery significantly. Turn
them off when not in use to save the battery. Dimming your screen and reducing
the screen timeout setting can also preserve the battery life.
Do not charge with a portable power bank frequently. If a power bank supplies
current which is above your phone battery's capacity, then it will cause damage to
your battery gradually. Make sure the power bank you buy is of good quality, and
has power ratings which are suitable for your phone, basically match the current to
the wall charger you use.
Your mobile phone could be a hotspot for bacteria, so clean your phone is of great
importance. Follow these steps:
1. To clean your phone, unplug all cables and turn it off first.
2. Dip the included cleaning cloth or a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth in distilled
water or low concentration alcohol, and shake or squeeze to remove any excess
3. Slightly wipe across your phone. Avoid getting moisture in openings.
4. Gently wipe the screen with the dry part of the microfiber cloth, but don't try to
pick up all the excess water if it means pressing hard.
Do not attempt to dry your phone with an external heat source, such as a hair dryer.
If impurities cannot be cleaned up, contact OPPO Service Center for professional
Do not use your phone in rain, or near washbasins or other wet locations. Take care
not to spill any food or liquid on your phone. In case your phone gets wet, follow
these emergency measures:
1. Take your phone out of the liquid immediately, unplug all cables and turn off
your phone.

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