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2. If your phone has a removable battery, remove it.
3. Use a tissue or soft cloth to thoroughly adsorb water stains or liquids on the
surface of your phone, and gently shake the phone in the opposite direction of
liquid inflow.
4. Let your phone dry thoroughly before turning it on again. Avoid drying your
phone with an external heat source, such as a hot air hair dryer.
If your phone has a serious water damage, take your phone, warranty card and
proof of purchase to a nearby OPPO Customer Center for repairs at once.
Never force a connector into a port for that might cause damage, which is not
covered by warranty service. Check for obstructions on the port. If the connector and
port don't join with reasonable ease, they probably don't match. Make sure that the
connector matches the port and that you have positioned the connector correctly
in relation to the port.
Mobile phones are perishable items, use with care. The following instructions
might help to protect your phone:
1. Do not drop your phone or let it receive a substantial impact.
2. Do not place your phone in a microwave oven or other high voltage equipment,
otherwise it might cause damages, fire or explosion.
3. Do not leave the phone in hot, humid, or dusty environments. This may cause
the phone to malfunction.
4. Your phone contains small parts, which may present a choking hazard to small
children. Keep your phone and its accessories away from small children.
5. Do not paint your phone. Paint will block the sensors and lead to phone
6. Dirty sockets might cause poor contact or electrical leakage. Regularly clean the
power socket.
7. Do not take out the SIM or SD card when transmitting or saving information,
otherwise some important information might be lost.
8. Use only the supplied or approved antenna for replacement. Modified
accessories might damage the phone or violate administer regulations of radio

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