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Trouble Possible Cause Remedy
The timer didn’t work?
The CR-505 was already on at the specified
ON time.
Set the CR-505 to Standby (page 29). The
CR-505 must be in Standby mode, otherwise
the timed task will not work.
The -connected cassette tape deck or
MD recorder had not been in standby mode.
You must set the recording devices to standby
mode too.
The specified ON time coincided, or over-
lapped the ON time of another timer.
Check the timer settings and correct as neces-
sary (page 30).
The CR-505 is only connected digitally to
the MD recorder.
To make recordings with -connected MD
recorder, connect the recorder’s analog inputs
to the CR-505’s analog outputs.
No sound is output when a
timed playback or record-
ing task starts?
While a timed recording task is in progress,
the output of the CR-505 is muted.
To hear what’s being recorded, press the
[MUTING] button to cancel the Mute func-
tion. Press it again to mute the CR-505.
For timed playback, the volume is deter-
mined by the [VOLUME] control.
Set the volume to a suitable level (page 19).
doesn’t work.
There’s no RCA/phono analog audio con-
To use you must make an analog audio
connection (RCA/phono) between CR-505
and your Onkyo components even if they are
connected digitally.
Standby indicator flashes.
The protection circuit may be activated.
Make sure not to short-circuit the positive and
negative speaker wires.
Abnormal Behavior
The CR-505 contains a microcomputer for signal processing and control functions. In very rare situations, severe interfer-
ence, noise from an external source, or static electricity may cause it to lockup. In the unlikely even that this should happen,
unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, wait at least five seconds, and then plug it back in again.
Restoring the Default Settings
To reset the CR-505 to its factory defaults, turn it off and unplug the power cord. Then press and hold the [STANDBY/ON]
button on the CR-505, and plug in the power cord.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Onkyo cs 220 cr505 d s7gx

Onkyo cs 220 cr505 d s7gx Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Svenska - 108 pagina's

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