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Trouble Possible Cause Remedy
Reception is noisy, inter-
mittent, and the FM STE-
REO indicator flickers?
You’re too far away from the transmitter.
Or, your FM antenna is in the wrong posi-
tion or pointing in the wrong direction. Or,
the station’s signal strength is poor.
Switch the FM MODE to MONO (page 24).
Adjust the position, height, and direction of
your FM antenna.
Install an outdoor FM antenna, preferably
one with many elements. Installing an out-
door antenna is a specialist’s job, so contact
your nearest dealer for advice (page 13).
The radio presets no longer
The power cord has not been connected to a
wall outlet, or the power has been turned off
for an extended period.
Preset your favorite radio stations again
(page 25). The power cord must be plugged
into a wall outlet a few times each month in
order to preserve the presets (page 4).
For European models:
The RDS (Radio Data Sys-
tem) doesn’t seem to work?
The current FM station does not support
Tune into a station that supports RDS
(page 26).
The signal strength is poor, or there’s too
much interference.
Install an outdoor FM antenna (page 13),
change the position or direction of your out-
door FM antenna, and keep it away from flu-
orescent lights.
CD playback skips?
The CR-505 is subject to vibration.
Install the CR-505 somewhere free of vibra-
The disc is dirty. Remove the disc and clean it (page 32).
The disc is very scratched. Buy a new disc.
Noise is generated.
DTS CD is being replayed.
Do not replay DTS CD, which is not sup-
ported by the CR-505.
Can’t play a CD?
The disc is upside down.
Load the disc with the label-side facing up
(page 20).
The disc is dirty. Remove the disc and clean it (page 32).
Condensation has formed inside the CR-
Remove the disc and leave the CR-505 turned
on for several hours until the condensation
has evaporated.
The CD-R/RW disc is nonstandard. See “Disc Notes” (page 31).
It takes a long time to read
It may take a longer time to read CD/MP3
with many track numbers.
This is not a malfunction.
It takes a long time to locate
certain tracks.
The disc is dirty. Remove the disc and clean it (page 32).
The disc is very scratched. Buy a new disc.
For European models:
Does not operate during the
ACCUCLOCK function
with a message “WAIT”
Bad receiving conditions may interfere with
the setting of the clock using ACCU-
CLOCK function.
Press the [DISPLAY] button to disengage
ACCUCLOCK, and then set the clock manu-
For European models:
The clock is wrong?
CT (Clock Time) information has been
taken from a radio station in another time
Set ACCUCLOCK to use a specific station
(page 17).
For European models:
The CR-505 turns itself on
The ACCUCLOCK function is calibrating
the clock.
This is not a malfunction. The CR-505 will
turn itself off automatically when the ACCU-
CLOCK function has calibrated the clock.

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Onkyo cs 220 cr505 d s7gx Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Svenska - 108 pagina's

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