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21 EN
Washing dishes
11 • Consider following steps to start the washing process:
1. Prepare dishwasher
2. Load the dishwasher basket
3. Add detergent or rinse aid
4. Make sure the water-tap/water supply is open, the appliance is connected to the mains and
the door is closed correctly
5. Push switch to turn on the dishwasher and choose your program, refer chapter Choosing
6. Push button
• To stop the process push again button.
Note: The program lights show the state of the dishwasher:
a) Program light on: standby or pause
b) Program light blinking: washing process ongoing
7. When the working cycle has nished, the buzzer of dishwasher will sound 8 seconds, then
- Turn o the appliance using the button and shut o the water supply.
- Open the door of the dishwasher.
Warning! It is dangerous to open the door when washing, because the hot water may scald
- Wait a few minutes before unloading the dishwasher to avoid handling the dishes and
utensils while they are still hot and more susceptible to breakage. They will also dry better.
- Unload the dishwasher.
Pause the washing cycle
• You can modify the washing program when the dishwasher just runs for a short time. Otherwise,
the detergent may have already been released, and the appliance may have already drained the
wash water.
- Press button more than three seconds the machine will be in stand by state ,
- Change the program to the desired cycle setting
- Press button again to continue washing process
Note: If you open the door during washing, the machine will pause. When you close the door, the
machine will keep working after 10 seconds.
• If you forgot a dish you can pause the process and add it, but make sure the detergent
compartment has not already opened.
1. Press the button.
2. Open the door a little to pause the washing process.
3. After the spray arms stop working, you can open the door completely.
4. Add forgotten dishes.
5. Close the door and press the button again and the dishwasher will continue after 10
IM_ODW121_ODW122_190719_V10_HR.indb 21 19/7/2019 10:05

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