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In summary, use the following checklist:
Is the music server running correctly?
Are all of the configuration files correct and does the server appear in the Processes list (CTRL +
SHIFT+ ESC)? If it is not listed, check your server-side configuration.
Is there a conflict with your filter or firewall rules?
The firewall can be disabled completely as an extreme measure when running Windows, or its
functionality should not be extended to cover the NOXON. Disabling it briefly for the test can be
useful when hunting down the problem.
Is any form of communication with the NOXON possible?
A ping to the NOXON's IP address as described above will clarify this question. If the NOXON does-
n't respond to your ping, it certainly won't be able to communicate via UPnP. If you are not suc-
cessful here, then you have a different network problem which can range from a typo in the en-
cryption key to massive configuration errors.
Does the network adapter support broadcasts in the MC range?
A number of wireless network adapters do not support MC broadcasts while in ad hoc mode. That,
however, prevents a fundamental part of the connection establishment. Please contact the vendor
of your network adapter for more information.
3. The connection fails after several minutes
This points toward one of the small peculiarities of the UPnP standard. The useful communication begins on
one of 1024 ports and changes regularly during operation. Not all firewall applications recognise this knock-
ing on various doors as a continuous connection. Depending on its configuration, the firewall may decide
not to ask the unknown visitor in.
Depending on the firewall application, the following actions will solve the problem:
Specifying the NOXON (with a static IP) as a so-called trusted host, i.e. a device whose communication is
guaranteed not to be malicious.
Allow the server to communicate with the NOXON on ports 1024-65535.
Activate an exception for "UPnP Framework" in the Windows XP firewall, or set other firewalls to allow UPnP

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Andere handleiding(en) van Noxon iRadio for iPod

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 67 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 66 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 67 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 68 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 69 pagina's

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