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F Service at TerraTec
"Nothing seems to work!"This can happen even on the best systems. If this happens to you, the TerraTec
team is happy to offer its service and support.
Hotline and Internet
In case of a serious problemwhere you can neither solve the problem on your own nor with the guided
help found in this manual, nor with the help of your dealerplease contact us directly.
If possible, try our Internet support system first: under www.terratec.de/support you will always find cur-
rent answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) and the latest drivers.
If these options do not provide the necessary help, please contact our phone helpline or contact us online at
In addition, it would be helpful to our technicians if you are at your computer during the phone call so that
you can carry out our tips and tricks directly. Please do not forget to write down the name of the respective
support technician if you contact our Support Team. You will need this name if a defect is present and your
device needs to be mailed to us.
Before you send your device back, be sure to contact us! Make a note of the name of your support contact
and follow these simple instructions:
Please fill out the service request form provided with your card clearly and completely. The more clearly
and detailed you describe the problem, the faster we will be able to help. Cards sent in without a de-
scription of the problem cannot be processed and will be returned to you at your expense.
Be sure to include a copy of your purchase receipt (not the original) with the package. If we do not re-
ceive a copy of a receipt, we will assume that the warranty for the product has expired and will bill you
for the repair.
Please use a sufficiently strong and padded mailing package. We recommend using the original pack-
age. Remember that the card is a sensitive electronic component.
Be sure to include enough postagewe will cover for the postage for the return to you.

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Belangrijk! Antwoorden worden ook per e-mail naar abonnees gestuurd. Laat uw emailadres achter op deze site, zodat u op de hoogte blijft. U krijgt dan ook andere vragen en antwoorden te zien.


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Andere handleiding(en) van Noxon iRadio for iPod

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 67 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 66 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 67 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 68 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 69 pagina's

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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