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A Concepts and solutionsfor the technically inclined
Here are a few advanced approaches to using the capabilities of your NOXON. We hope you enjoy exploring
them. (We would like to point out, however, that TerraTec cannot provide technical support in connection
with the following.)
A1 Creating your own Favourites from links
The web interface
In the section on "The Web interfacefavourites management and more" on page 33, we have provided
explanations on adding Favourites using the Web interface.
Before we get started, we really should point out that the Web interface is not supported by our customer
service. You'll surely be able to imagine why after reading the following section.
Despite the breathtaking selection of international radio stations in the NOXON, you may find that one of
your favourite local stations is missing or is only available in low quality. In such cases, manually adding
favourites via the interface described above can be a solution.
The structure
Unfortunately, time and again the endings of links for MP3 radio streams refer to specific formats that are
not actually available, so a bit of experimentation may be unavoidable. An example: At TerraTec, we're big
fans of the college station elDoradio at www.eldoradio.de, which provides the following link for its 128 Kbps
stream: http://www.eldoradio.de/broadcast/128.pls. One could, without suspecting anything, enter it in
the interface as PLS, but that would not be successful. It won't work until you enter
Unfortunately, it would go beyond the scope of this manual to cover every option, definition and format de-
scription herea wide range of rather individual solutions can be found on the Internet, and it is naturally
not possible to provide support for all of them (although we are continuously expanding the capabilities of
the NOXON and making the new features available on our website as firmware upgrades). So we'll just have
to leave you to rely fully on your creativity and the methods listed below. Experience has shown, however,
that the vast majority of stations listed on
can be whipped into shape for the NOXON favourites like this:
Open the link listed under "Tune In" with Winamp, and while the station is playing, press ALT+3 (or View
file info...’). The following info window contains details on the data streamand the first line contains the
link to the radio stream that you need to enter in the Web interface mentioned above.
A couple of screenshots:

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Andere handleiding(en) van Noxon iRadio for iPod

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 67 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 66 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 67 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 68 pagina's

Noxon iRadio for iPod Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 69 pagina's

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