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The installation of this appliance and the connection to the electrical network should be
entrusted only to an electrician perfectly to the fact of the normative regulations and
which respects them scrupulously.
Protection against the parts under tension must be ensured after the building-in.
The data of connection necessary are on the stickers place on the hob casing near the
connection box.
The connection to the main must be made using an earthed plug or via an omnipolar
circuit breaking device with a contact opening of at least 3 mm.
The electrical circuit must be separated from the network by adapted devices, for
example: circuit breakers, fuses or contactors.
If the appliance is not fitted with an accessible plug, disconnecting means must be
incorporated in the fixed installation, in accordance with the installation regulations.
The inlet hose must be positioned so that it does not touch any of the hot parts of the hob
or oven.
This appliance has only to be connected to a network 230 V~ 50 / 60 Hz
Connect always the earth wire.
Respect the connection diagram.
Use the connecting cable that is attached to the device.
To open the cover use a medium screwdriver. Place it in the slits and open the cover.
Mains Connection Cable diameter Cable Protection calibre
230V~ 1P+N 50/60Hz 1 Ph. + N 3 x 2.5 mm²
H 05 VV - F
H 05 RR - F
25 A *
400V~ 2P+N 50/60Hz 2 Ph. + N 4 x 1,5 mm²
H 05 VV - F
H 05 RR - F
16 A *
(*) calculated with the simultaneous factor following standard EN 60 335-2-6/1990
Caution! Ensure that you correctly attach the wires and the bridges and tighten the screws
We cannot be held responsible for any incident resulting from incorrect connection or
which could arise from the use of an appliance which has not been earthed or has been
equipped with a faulty earth connection

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