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Warm cooking surface: Switch-off the appliance and let it cool to 90°C (level 2)
Put icicles on the cooking surface and remove light marks with a spatula and push them into
the drain. Clean the drain with absorbent paper for example. Cold water can replace the
Then dry the surface thoroughly with movements that follow the natural grooves of the
cooking surface (no circular movements) with a clean rag.
Some marks that come from acid naturally contained in food can be cleaned with lemon
juice when the appliance is cold.
Do not clean the hob if the glass is too hot: risk of burn.
Highly corrosive or abrasive detergents and cleaning equipment likely to cause scratches
must be avoided at all costs.
Never use any steam-driven or pressure appliances.
The hob or the cooking zone doesnt start-up
The hob is badly connected on the electrical network.
The protection fuse cut-off
The locking function is activated
The sensitive keys are covered of grease or water.
An object is put on a key.
The symbol [ E ] displays
Disconnect and replug the hob.
Call the After-sales Service.
One or all cooking zones cut-off
The safety system functioned
You forgot to cut-off the cooking zone for a long time.
One or more sensitive keys are covered.
The pan is empty and its bottom overheated.
The appliance has an automatic reducing system of the power level and an automatic cut-
off system when there is overheating.
Continuous ventilation after cutting-off the hob
This is not a failure, the fan continuous to protect the electronic device.
The fan cooling stops automatically.
The packaging material is ecological and can be recycled.
The worn appliances contain certain noble metals. Apply to the local government about
the possibilities of recycling.
Don't throw your appliance with the household
Get in touch with the waste collection center of
your commune that is adapted to the recycling of
the household appliances.

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