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User Guide
Copyright 2013 novero. All rights reserved.
5. M
Read the following recommendations before using your Twist. Following these you will
be able to enjoy the product for many years.
_ Do not expose the speaker to liquid, moisture or humidity to avoid the product’s
internal circuit being affected.
_ Do not use abrasive cleaning solvents to clean the speaker.
_ Store the speaker out of direct sunlight and extreme temperatures (above 45°C/113°F
or below -10°C/-14°F), as this may shorten the battery life, affect the operation or
degrade the performance of your speaker.
_ Do not dispose of the speaker in a fire as it might result in an explosion.
_ Do not expose the speaker to contact with sharp objects as this will cause scratches
and damage.
_ Do not let the speaker fall down onto the floor. The internal circuit might get
_ Do not attempt to disassemble the speaker as it might get damaged.
In case the speaker does not function properly, consult your dealer for further
6. FAQ
How far is the effective range between the
How far is the effective range between the How far is the effective range between the
How far is the effective range between the speaker
and and
and the
the the
the Bluetooth
Bluetooth Bluetooth
Bluetooth device
According to the Bluetooth standard, the maximum controllable range of Class II speaker
is 10 meters. It varies under different conditions. Best performance can be expected
when you place your device beside the speaker
Why does
Why does Why does
Why does the
the the
the red LED flash?
red LED flash?red LED flash?
red LED flash?
The speaker battery is in low power status, it needs to be recharged. Try to discharge and
re-charge full cycles.
Why can’t I see the battery status on my
Why can’t I see the battery status on my Why can’t I see the battery status on my
Why can’t I see the battery status on my android
android android
android phone ?
phone ?phone ?
phone ?
The battery status is shown with a headset symbol only on apple devices.
Why can’t I connect to the speaker?
Why can’t I connect to the speaker?Why can’t I connect to the speaker?
Why can’t I connect to the speaker?
Please make sure your Bluetooth list on your device is empty and that you are not
connected to another Bluetooth device – ( e.g. automatic connection to a headset).
Please press the MFB on the speaker 6 seconds to get into pairing mode.
Why is the
Why is the Why is the
Why is the red LED
red LED red LED
red LED not
not not
not on
on on
on while
1. When you didn’t use the speaker for a long time, the battery might be drained. In this
case, you have to charge the battery for 30 minutes, and then the red LED will be on.
2. Charging via PC or laptop might be interrupted due to standby mode of the
PC/laptop. Please try using a standard AC- micro USB charger.

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