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Technical data, machine Supreme 100 Supreme 150
Performer 150
Supreme 250
Performer 250 Supreme LCD
Height 427 mm 800 mm 801 mm 802 mm
Width with handles 370 mm 370 mm 370 mm 370 mm
Length with bracket 400 mm 400 mm 400 mm 400 mm
Motor 1300 W 1550 W 1700 W 1700 W
Fuse 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A
Weight 5 kg 6.5 kg 6.5 kg 6.5 kg
Sound output 66 dB 66 dB 66 dB 66 dB
Capacity of dust container - 25 l 25 l 25 l
Capacity when using the bag 10 I 14 l 14 l 14 l
Max suction power motor 650 Airwatt 720 Airwatt 735 Airwatt 735 Airwatt
Max suction power* 460 W 490 W 510 W 510 W
Max air flow* 50 l/s 53 l/s 54 l/s 54 l/s
Max vacuum* 21 kPa 30 kPa 30 kPa 30 kPa
Radio remote control X X X X
Panel with operation status X
Technical data, handle LED LCD
Radio frequency 433 MHz
Function On/off, power regulation 5 steps, LED
indication of operation status
On/off, power regulation 5 steps, LCD
indication of operation status
Lifetime of battery 3 years 3 years
Battery type, qty. 1.5 V AAA, 2 pcs
Range of operation Max 50 metres.
*Measured on the suction unit
These appliances conform with EU Instructions 2004/108/EC, 2006/95/EC.
1.1 Technical data
1 Important safety precautions
To reduce the risk of re, electric shock or injury,
read all safety precautions and warning text carefully
before using the machine.
This central vacuum cleaner is solely intended for dry
vacuuming indoors.
This central vacuum cleaner is not intended to be in-
stalled outdoors.
Never vacuum without a lter installed.
Do not vacuum up liquids. Do not use the machine in wet
Do not vacuum up embers or burning objects such as
cigarettes, matchsticks, hot ash or ammable liquid or
Do not vacuum in areas where ammable liquids or gases
may be present.
Unplug the machine before changing the lter or bag and
before doing any maintenance work.
Always unplug the machine by pulling on the plug, not the
power cord.
The wall socket and plug must be positioned so that they
are clearly visible.
Do not vacuum up sharp objects such as broken glass or
needles that could puncture the bag and damage the mo-
Be particularly careful not to pick up objects that could
block the hose/pipe system, such as pencils, toy bricks
and small plastic bags.
Follow the operating instructions carefully. Servicing
and repairs should only be carried out by an authorised
workshop. Use only original parts and accessories as
recommended by the supplier. Never attempt to modify
the machine yourself.
Do not use the central vacuum cleaner if the power cord
is damaged. The central vacuum cleaner is tted with a
special type of power cord that must be replaced with a
cord of the same type if it is damaged. A power cord of
this type can be obtained from a service contact. To avoid
any risk, this power cord should be replaced by a qualifed
This appliance is not intended for use by young persons
or in rm persons without supervision unless they have
been adequately supervised by a responsible person to
ensure that they can use the appliance safely.
The central vacuum cleaner must not be used as a toy.
The installation of the exhaust pipes must be done, so
that no water or condensation will get into the installation
The central vacuum cleaner must never be used to
vacuum up contaminated dust or cement dust.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk Performer 250

Nilfisk Performer 250 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 27 pagina's

Nilfisk Performer 250 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 25 pagina's

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