Pagina terug
Pagina verder
1. Important safety precautions .................... ..................................................................36
1.1 Technical data ....................................................................................................... 36
1.2 Essential instructions (UK only) ......................................................................36
2. Vacuum unit Supreme 100 assembly instructions .................................................... 38
2.1 Fitting the wall bracket ....................................................................................38
2.2 Locating the vacuum cleaner on the wall bracket...........................................38
2.3 Connecting the machine ................................................................................38
3. Operating instructions Supreme 100 ........................................................................ 39
3.1 Starting the machine ......................................................................................39
3.2 Servicing ........................................................................................................39
4. Filter and dust bags - Supreme 100 ............................................................................ 40
4.1 Replacing the dust bag ..................................................................................40
4.2 Replacing / cleaning the lter ........................................................................40
5. Vacuum unit Supreme 150 / Performer 150 / Supreme 250 / Performer 250 /
Supreme LCD assembly instructions ......................................................................... 41
5.1 Fitting the wall bracket ...................................................................................41
5.2 Locating the vacuum cleaner on the wall bracket ..........................................41
5.3 Connecting the machine ................................................................................41
5.4 Utility inlet (standard accessory in Canada) ......................................................... 42
6. Operating instructions Supreme 150 / Performer 150 / Supreme 250 /
Performer 250 / Supreme LCD ................................................................................... 42
6.1 Starting the machine ......................................................................................42
6.2 Servicing ........................................................................................................42
6.3 Supreme LCD Display ...................................................................................42
7. Filter and dust bags - Supreme 150 / Performer 150 / Supreme 250 /
Performer 250 / Supreme LCD ................................................................................... 44
7.1 Replacing the bag lter ..................................................................................44
7.2 Fitting the bag lter ........................................................................................44
7.3 Replacing the dust bag ..................................................................................44
7.4 Fitting the dust bag ........................................................................................44
8. Electrical connection ................................................................................................... 45
9. Accessories .................................................................................................................. 46
10. Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................... 47
10.1 Service/maintenance guide - Supreme 100 ..................................................47
10.2 Service/maintenance guide - Supreme 150 / Performer 150 /
Supreme 250 / Performer 250 / Supreme LCD ................................................. 48
11. Dimensional drawings ................................................................................................. 49
12. Wireless communication - Wireless+/Deluxe ............................................................ 50
Declaration of Conformity .................................................................................................... 82
Congratulations on your choice of central vacuum cleaner! If you use your vacuum cleaner
in accordance with these operating instructions, your machine will be a pleasure to use
and an essential worktool in your home for many years to come.
Our products are under constant development and we, therefore, reserve the right
to make any necessary alterations to the design of the machine.
We also make reservations concerning any misprints that may arise.
Legislation governing consumer compensation claims apply to this product under current terms of sale -
on the assumption that the product has been used correctly (for household use) and maintained
in accordance with the instructions contained in this user guide. Dust bags are consumables.
This product comes under the various countries’ statutory requirements concerning the collection and safe t
reatment of electrical products and, when the time comes for its disposal, it should be handed over
to a dealer or waste disposal site for recycling purposes.
Complaints caused by faulty or incorrect assembly should be made to the installation rm responsible.
Entitlement to compensation may not apply through failure to use the machine correctly or gross
negligence concerning the maintenance of the product.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk Performer 250

Nilfisk Performer 250 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 27 pagina's

Nilfisk Performer 250 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 25 pagina's

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