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302002328 - 2008-05-21
ENGLISH - Operating Instructions
Important safety instructions
Before using the vacuum cleaner, always read the operating instructions and keep them readily available.
Purpose and intended use
The vacuum cleaners described in this operating manual are suitable for
for private use, e.g. for household, hobby workshop, car cleaning
sucking up dust and li quids
The following materials should not be picked up by the vacuum cleaner
– hazardous dust
hot materials (burning cigarettes, hot ash, etc.)
flammable, explosive, aggressive liquids (e.g. petrol, solvents, acids, alkalis, etc.)
flammable, explosive dust (e.g. magnesium or aluminium dust, etc.)
Before start-up
Ensure that the voltage shown on the rating plate corresponds to the voltage of the local mains power supply. It is recommended that the
vacuum cleaner should be connected via a residual current circuit breaker.
Inspect power cord regularly to detect signs of damage, e.g. cracks or ageing. If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by Nilfisk
Service or an electrician to avoid danger before use of the vacuum cleaner is continued. Never use the vacuum cleaner if the filter is dam-
Picking up liquids
Before liquids are picked up, always remove the filter bag. Insert filter for wet operation. Check that the float works properly. If foam develops
or liquid emerges, stop work immediately and empty the dirt tank.
Cleaning the lter element
If suction performance drops:
1. Switching on the vacuum cleaner.
2. Close the nozzles or suction hose opening with the palm of your hand.
3. Press the button to start filter cleaning three times. The resulting stream of air removes attached dust from the slats of the filter ele-
Connecting electrical appliances
Use the socket on the vacuum cleaner for the purpose defined in the operating instructions only.
Before plugging an appliance into the appliance socket:
1. Switch off the vacuum cleaner.
2. Switch off the appliance to be connected.
CAUTION! Follow the operating instructions and safety instructions for appliances connected to the power tool socket.
Maintenance, cleaning and repair
Never spray water on to the upper section of the vacuum cleaner. Danger for persons, risk or short-circuiting.
Recycling the vacuum cleaner
As specified in European Directive 2002/96/EC on old electrical and electronic appliances, used electrical goods must be collected
separately and recycled ecologically. Contact your local authorities or your nearest dealer for further information.
Our general conditions of business are applicable with regard to the guarantee. Subject to change as a result of technical Altos.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nilfisk-ALTO AERO 20

Nilfisk-ALTO AERO 20 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 5 pagina's

Nilfisk-ALTO AERO 20 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 5 pagina's

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