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Camera Car
Camera Car
Cleaning camera body
Use a blower brush to remove dirt and dust from the camera body and clean it
with a soft, clean cloth. After using the camera near seawater, wipe the camera
body with a soft, clean cloth slightly moistened with pure water to remove salt,
and then dry it with a dry cloth. NEVER use organic solvents like thinner or
benzene. They may damage the camera.
Cleaning mirror and lens
Use a blower brush to remove dirt and dust from the mirror or lens. To remove
fingerprints or smudges from the lens’ surface, use a soft, clean cotton cloth or
lens tissue moistened with ethanol (alcohol) or lens cleaner.
Do not subject the camera or lens to strong vibration or shock
Do not drop the camera body and lens or hit them against a hard surface as this
may damage their precision mechanism.
Do not touch the shutter curtains
The shutter is made of very thin curtains. Do not hold, poke, or blow strongly with
a blower brush. Doing so may scratch, deform or tear the shutter curtains.
Avoid strong electric or magnetic fields
The camera may not function properly in strong electric or magnetic fields such
as near a transmitter tower. Avoid using the camera in such locations.
Store the camera in a cool, dry place
Store the camera in a cool, dry place to prevent mold and mildew.
Keep it away from naphthalene or camphor (moth repellent), electrical appliances
that generate magnetic fields or an excessively hot place such as inside a vehicle
during the summer or near a heater.
Avoid extreme temperature change
An extreme temperature change can cause condensation inside the camera body.
When taking the camera to a very hot place from a very cold place or vice versa,
place it inside an airtight container such as a plastic bag and leave it inside a
while to expose the camera gradually to the temperature change.
Avoid water or moisture
Keep the camera away from water or moisture. When using the camera near
water, guard against splashes, especially salt water spray.
Nikon cannot be held responsible for any malfunction resulting from the use of
the camera other than as specified in this manual.
Remove the batteries and store the camera with a desiccant
If you do not intend to use the camera for a long time, remove the batteries to
protect the camera from battery leakage.
In a humid environment, store the camera inside a plastic bag with a desiccant
to keep out dust, moisture and salt. Note, however, that storing leather cases in
vinyl bags may cause the leather to deteriorate. Keep the batteries in a cool, dry
place away from heat or humidity.
Change the desiccant occasionally since it does not absorb moisture effectively
after a while.
Leaving the camera unused for a long period of time may cause mold to grow
and result in malfunction. Turn the power on and release the shutter a few times
once per month.
To maintain the built-in Speedlight in peak condition, fire it a few times every
month. This will enable you to use the flash for many years.
F80 (E)-Thailand 02.12.27 5:21 PM Page 98

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nikon F80

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 59 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 59 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 114 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 57 pagina's

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