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Optional Accessories
Optional Accessories
A variety of optional accessories, including power source and
Speedlight are available for the F80/F80D/F80S.
Battery Pack MB-16
With the Battery Pack MB-16, four 1.5V AA-type alkaline-manganese, lithium,
NiCd or Ni-MH batteries can be used to power the F80/F80D/F80S. When AA-
type lithium batteries are used, usable number of film rolls increases and
maintains stable performance at low temperatures. (Film advance speed in
continuous shooting remains the same [as that of batteries installed only in the
camera body] with the MB-16.)
Eyepiece correction lenses
Eyepiece correction lenses enable near- or far-sighted photographers to adjust
the eyepiece dioptre to suit their vision, and can be attached easily by
inserting onto the viewfinder eyepiece. Nine optional eyepiece correction
lenses provide viewfinder dioptre settings of –5, –4, –3, –2, 0, +0.5, +1, +2 and
(combined dioptre with setting on camera body). We recommend that
you actually look through the viewfinder with various correction lenses
attached before making a purchase, since viewfinder dioptre differs from one
person to another. Use the optional eyepiece correction lens when you need
eyepiece correction over –1.8 to +0.8m
that can be adjusted using the
F80/F80D/F80S’s dioptre adjustment lever.
The rubber eyecup cannot be used together with the eyepiece correction
A wide variety of AF lenses — 14mm to 600mm wideangle, telephoto, zoom,
Micro or DC (Defocus image Control) — is available for the F80/F80D/F80S.
Nikon filtres can be divided into three types: screw-in, drop-in and rear-
interchange. With the F80/F80D/F80S, the filtre factor need not be considered
except for the R60 filtre. Compensate exposure +1 EV when using the R60.
Note that when special filtres available from manufacturers other than Nikon
are used, autofocus or the electronic rangefinder may not operate properly.
Use circular-polarising filtre C-PL instead of polarising filtre Polar. The linear
polarising filtre cannot be used with the F80/F80D/F80S.
Use NC filtre when using the filtre to protect the lens.
Moiré may occur when shooting a subject against bright light or if a bright light
source is in the frame. In this case, remove the filtre before shooting.
Cable release AR-3
When the Cable Release AR-3 is attached to the release terminal of the F80/
F80D/F80S, camera shake can be reduced when shooting with slow shutter
speed such as in night scene photography, astronomical photography or
close-up photography.
Speedlight SB-28/SB-27
Speedlight SB-28/SB-27 normally uses four AA-type alkaline-manganese
batteries with a guide number of 36 (SB-28) and 30 (SB-27) (manual flash, 35mm
zoom-head position, ISO 100, m, 20°C). Optional external power source
SD-7 and SD-8A or Power Bracket SK-6A (SB-28 only) can also be used.
3D Multi-Sensor Balanced Fill-Flash, which enables natural-looking overall
exposures and a better balance between ambient light and the fill-flash (even
when a highly reflective object is located within the frame or the background is
non-reflective), is compatible with the SB-28/SB-27. Also, the AF Assist
Illuminator enables autofocus operation in a dark environment.
Automatic power zoom continuously changes the zoom-head position
according to the lens’ focal length. Also, a variety of flashes, including Slow
Sync, Rear-Curtain Sync, non-TTL Auto Flash or manual flash are compatible
with the SB-28/SB-27. With SB-28, Repeating Flash is also available.
Wireless Slave Flash Controller SU-4 (with SG-2)
TTL multi-flash, where a Speedlight to which Wireless Slave Flash Controller
SU-4 (with SG-2) is attached is fired simultaneously with the Speedlight attached
to the F80/F80D/F80S, can also be used. Use the Diffuser SG-2 supplied with
the SU-4. The Diffuser SG-1 cannot be used. If the SG-1 is supplied with your
SU-4, contact an authorised Nikon dealer or service centre.
When using the built-in Speedlight of the F80/F80D/F80S as a master flash, cancel
the Monitor Pre-Flash by selecting Manual exposure mode or Spot metering.
Soft case (CF-59/CF-60)
Two camera cases, CF-59 (for standard lens) and CF-60 (for telephoto lens) are
available for this camera.
CF-59: Camera body fits inside case with AF 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6D IF or
smaller lens attached.
CF-60: Camera body fits inside case with AF 75-240mm f/4.5-5.6D or smaller
lens attached.
Neckstraps/Handstrap AH-4
Braid-type AN-4B (black) and AN-4Y (yellow), wide braid-type neckstrap
AN-6Y (yellow) and AN-6W (burgundy) neckstraps are available.
Handstrap AH-4 helps you to hold the camera firmly and easily, and shoot in
F80 (E)-Thailand 02.12.27 5:21 PM Page 96

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Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 59 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 59 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 114 pagina's

Nikon F80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 57 pagina's

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