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The documentation for this product includes the manuals listed below. Please
be sure to read all instructions thoroughly to get the most from your camera.
Quick Start Guide
The Quick Start Guide takes you through the process of unpacking and set-
ting up your Nikon digital camera, taking your first photographs, and trans-
ferring them to your computer.
Guide to Digital Photography
The Guide to Digital Photography (this manual) provides complete operat-
ing instructions for your camera.
Reference CD
The reference CD contains information on the software provided with the
camera. See the Quick Start Guide for viewing instructions.
Product Documentation
CAUTION: Foreign Matter on the CCD
Nikon takes every possible precaution to prevent foreign matter from coming into con-
tact with the CCD during production and shipping. The D100, however, is designed to
be used with interchangeable lenses, and foreign matter may enter the camera when
lenses are removed or exchanged. Once inside the camera, this foreign matter may
adhere to the CCD, where it may appear in photographs taken under certain conditions.
To prevent foreign matter from entering the camera, do not exchange lenses in dusty
environments. To protect the camera when no lens is in place, be sure to replace the
body cap provided with the camera, being careful to first remove all dust and other foreign
matter that may be adhering to the body cap.
Should foreign matter find its way onto the CCD, clean the CCD as instructed on pages
186–187 of this manual, or have the CCD cleaned by authorized Nikon service person-
nel. Photographs affected by the presence of foreign matter on the CCD can be re-
touched using the clean image options available in some third-party imaging software.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nikon D100

Nikon D100 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Nikon D100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 212 pagina's

Nikon D100 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Nikon D100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 212 pagina's

Nikon D100 Aanvulling / aanpassing - English - 1 pagina's

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