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Addenda to the Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the D100
Please note the following additions to the Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the D100 with the release of version 2.00 of
the D100 camera fi rmware:
Support for Mac OS (pp. 59, 141, 170–171, 172–174)
From fi rmware version 2.00, the D100 supports Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP), allowing Nikon Capture 3 Camera Control to be
used with Macintosh computers (Mac OS X version 10.1.3 or later or Mac OS 9.0.4, 9.1, or 9.2). Camera Control can be used to
adjust camera settings from your computer, save photographs directly to your computer’s hard disk, and download user-defi ned
tone curves to the camera (see pages 59 and 141 of the Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the D100). Note that Nikon
Capture 3 version 3.5 or later (available separately) is required, and that the camera USB protocol (see below) must be set to PTP.
Choosing a Color Mode (pp. 60–61, 142)
Photographs taken in Mode II include an embedded ICC profi le, ensuring that the correct color-space settings can be selected au-
tomatically when the images are opened in Adobe Photoshop™ or in other applications that support color management (see the
documentation provided with the application for details). Together with its wider gamut, this makes Mode II an excellent choice
for images that will be retouched or processed before use. Note, however, that while the system for recording Mode II images is
based on Exif and DCF, it is not in strict conformity with these standards. Mode I or Mode III is recommended when taking pho-
tographs that will be viewed on other cameras or Exif/DCF-compatible devices, or that will be printed using ExifPrint, the direct
printing option on some household printers, or kiosk printing or other commercial print services. For information on whether your
printer or print service supports ExifPrint, refer to the documentation provided with your printer or speak to your photofi nisher. For
best results, use Nikon View 5 or Nikon Capture 3, which make an excellent addition to any imaging workfl ow. Nikon Capture 3 is
unique in its ability to directly edit NEF fi les without affecting the image quality of the original, and belongs at the fi rst stage of any
production workfl ow involving image editing software.
Custom Settings 25 and 26 (pp. 144, 160)
The menus for Custom Settings 25 and 26 are now as follows:
The Setup Menu (pp. 161, 172–174)
The setup menu (pp. 161–166) now contains a USB option that allows you to choose the USB protocol used when the camera is
connected to a computer (pp. 172–174). Before connecting the camera, choose a USB protocol according to your computer’s oper-
ating system and whether you will be using Nikon Transfer (available in both Nikon View 5 and Nikon Capture 3) or Nikon Capture 3
Camera Control. Two protocols are available: Mass Storage and PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol).
If PTP is selected, you will not need to remove the camera from the system as described on page 174 of the Nikon Guide to Digital
Photography with the D100. Instead, you can turn the camera off and disconnect the cable after verifying that “PC” is no longer
displayed in the camera control panel or viewfi nder.
File Names for Voice Memos Recorded Using the MB-D100
Voice memos recorded using the MB-D100 multi-function battery pack (available separately) are stored on the camera memory
card as audio fi les with names of the form “DSC_nnnn.WAV”.
AF Assist
Flash Mode
Batt Pk Volume
AF Assist
Flash Mode
Batt Pk Volume
Play Back Volume
Assign MB-D100
AE-L/AF-L button
* Nikon Capture 3 version 3.5 or later required to use Nikon Capture 3 Camera Control with the D100. For information on
system requirements, see pages 169–171 of the Nikon Guide to Digital Photography with the D100.
Operating system Nikon Transfer
Nikon Capture 3
Camera Control
Mac OS X*
Choose either PTP
or Mass Storage.
Choose PTP.
Mac OS 9* Choose Mass Stor age. Choose PTP.
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows Millennium Edition (Me)
Windows 98 Sec ond Edition (SE)
Choose Mass Stor age.
Windows XP Home Edition*
Windows XP Professional*
Choose either PTP or Mass Storage.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nikon D100

Nikon D100 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Nikon D100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 212 pagina's

Nikon D100 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Nikon D100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 212 pagina's

Nikon D100 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 212 pagina's

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