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For Your Safety
Observe caution when
handling the battery
The battery may leak, overheat or
explode if improperly handled.
Observe the following precautions
when handling the battery for use in
this product:
Before replacing the battery, turn
the product off. If you are using the
Charging AC Adapter/AC adapter,
be sure it is unplugged.
Use only a Rechargeable Li-ion
Battery EN-EL19 (included). Charge
the battery by using a camera that
supports battery charging. To
perform this operation, use either
Charging AC Adapter EH-69P
(included) or the Charge by
computer function. The Battery
Charger MH-66 (available
separately) is also available to
charge the battery without using a
When inserting the battery, do not
attempt to insert it upside down or
Do not short or disassemble the
battery or attempt to remove or
break the battery insulation or
Do not expose the battery to flame
or to excessive heat.
Do not immerse in or expose to
Put the battery in the battery case
before transporting it. Do not
transport or store with metal objects
such as necklaces or hairpins.
The battery is prone to leakage
when fully discharged. To avoid
damage to the product, be sure to
remove the battery when no charge
Discontinue use immediately should
you notice any change in the
battery, such as discoloration or
If liquid from the damaged battery
comes in contact with clothing or
skin, rinse immediately with plenty
of water.
Observe the following
precautions when handling
the Charging AC Adapter
Keep dry. Failure to observe this
precaution could result in fire or
electric shock.
Dust on or near the metal parts of
the plug should be removed with a
dry cloth. Continued use could
result in fire.
Do not handle the plug or go near
the Charging AC Adapter during
lightning storms. Failure to observe
this precaution could result in
electric shock.
Do not damage, modify, forcibly tug
or bend the USB cable, place it
under heavy objects, or expose it to
heat or flames. Should the insulation
be damaged and the wires become
exposed, take it to a Nikon-
authorized service representative for
inspection. Failure to observe these
precautions could result in fire or
electric shock.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Nikon Coolpix S3300

Nikon Coolpix S3300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 204 pagina's

Nikon Coolpix S3300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 204 pagina's

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