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NetBotz CCTV Adapter Pod 120
Thank you for buying this NetBotz CCTV
Adapter Pod 120. Designed for use with
NetBotz 500 and 420 appliances and a single
closed circuit television (CCTV) or other
video source, the CCTV Adapter Pod accepts
multi format S-Video and Composite Video
and features DIN, BNC and RCA input jacks.
This pod also features a USB port that enables
the pod to be tethered to the base station using
a standard USB cable. Using the CCTV
Adapter Pod, your analog video source is
digitally converted and integrated with the
NetBotz physical security solution. Streaming audio (using the pod’s integrated microphone
or an external microphone connected to the pod) is also available.
The CCTV Adapter Pod provides the following features:
Images of up to 640x480 resolution, 24-bit color, and up to 30 frames per second (color
and resolution may be limited by video source).
Integrated microphone, as well as a microphone jack (standard 3.5mm miniplug), which
provide the ability to monitor and capture monophonic audio from the location in which
the pod or external microphone are installed.
Speaker/headphone jack (standard 3.5mm stereo miniplug) that can be used with
unpowered headphones or powered speakers to provide monophonic audio output.
Door Switch Sensor jack (magnetic door switch sensor available separately)
Camera Motion Detection.
Activity LED, which indicates the power-on and recording status of the pod.
The CCTV Adapter Pod also includes laser-cut mounting holes on the rear of the pod that
enable you to mount the pod in a variety of locations.
Included Materials
Your NetBotz CCTV Adapter Pod 120 appliance package contains the following:
NetBotz CCTV Adapter Pod 120
USB Cable, 5M
2 docking pegs (for optional use in docking the pod to your NetBotz 500 base station)
2 clamp-on ferrites (for emissions compliance. Reduces radio frequency emissions from
the USB and Video Cable)
Cable mounting kit, with adhesive backed mounts and zip strips
Internal microphone override plug
Audio/video recording advisory sticker

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