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navigation system
Quick start guide
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Copyright © NAVITEL s.r.o., 2017. All rights reserved.
The contents of this Guide, as well as any attached demo materials, are the sole proprietorship of the NAVITEL s.r.o. Any commercial usage of this
Guide may be carried out only with written permission from NAVITEL s.r.o.
Key tasks of the program are identication and display of current position on the map,
automatic and manual setting of route points, route planning, object search, calculation
and display of travel information, display and recording of trajectory of motion in the form
of a track, and much more.
1. Program interface
Name Function
1 Sound
Tapping on the button opens the sound menu.
2 Compass
Tapping on the button opens the context menu, which controls options of map
(«North up» – the map will always be oriented northwards, «Track up» –
the map will always
be oriented in the direction of movement along the route),
type of map view (Plain view «2D»,
Panoramic view «3D») and skins («Night skin»,
«Day skin», «Auto»).
3 Road lanes
The sign displays road lanes with possible maneuvers.
4 Information panel
The sign shows the upcoming maneuver (for example, turning) and distance to
the maneuver.
Tapping on the sign opens the menu containing route options, for
instance an option which
allows stopping route guidance.
5 Route
Visualization of a current route.
16 «Navitel.Friends» *
The icon of the “Navitel.Friends” service, tapping on which opens its menu.
service is intended for adding friends, viewing their location and exchanging
messages with them.
17 «Cursor» button
Tapping on the button shows the menu for operations with the point marked on
map (making it a destination point by pressing «Go!» button or proceeding to
properties screen.
18 «Save WP» button Saves the point marked on the map as a waypoint.
19 2D/3D button Switching between the plain 2D and the panoramic 3D map formats.
6 Information panel
The panel shows current speed, the remaining time to the destination point,
to the destination point, and estimated arrival time.
7 GPScursor
Indication of a current position on the map, when the GPS receiver is switched
8 Menu
Tapping on the button opens the main program menu.
9 Information panel
The panel shows the name of the street you are currently driving along. The
is available only if GPS/GLONASS connection is established and the
map contains
such information. If there is no street name, the direction will be
10 Scale button Zoom in button.
11 Scale button Zoom out button.
12 «Navitel.Events»*
Button for controlling the “Navitel.Events” service.
13 Route progress bar
The progress bar displays the remaining route, waypoints (if any) and trafc
on the route marked by color.
14 Buttery
The icon indicates the level of battery charge.Tapping on the icon shows free
15 GPS connection
GPSconnection indicator. Grey indicator – GPS/GLONASSreceiver is off; red
receiver is turned on, but there is no connection with satellites; yellow – bad
connection; green – connection is established. The number in the icon indicates
number of satellites.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Navitel Navigator 9

Navitel Navigator 9 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Navitel Navigator 9 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 27 pagina's

Navitel Navigator 9 Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 2 pagina's

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