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Make and receive phone calls via the
following methods:
Speed Dial: one-touch dialing for favorites
and numbers you call frequently.
Recent: view call log. Tap an entry to
Contacts: view your contacts. Tap a
contact to call.
Keypad: manually enter phone
Incoming Call: slide right to answer,
slide left to send to voicemail.
To turn on your phone, press and hold the
Wake/Sleep button until the NUU logo appears
on the screen. The first time you turn on your
phone you will prompted to complete initial setup.
Simply follow the on-screen instructions.
To power off or reboot your phone, press and
hold the Wake/Sleep button, then select your
desired action/response from the list.
To Lock, press the Wake/Sleep button.
To move between Home screens, swipe left or
right. The Navigation bar shows which Home
screen you have selected, and is located at the
bottom of every Home screen.
Your phone is equipped with gesture controls to
quickly and easily access features and settings.
Share data, links, photos, videos and more
using HotKnot, a file transfer technology from
Select the media you wish to share and
simply hold the screens of two
HotKnot-enabled devices less than one
centimeter apart and the media will appear
on both screens.
You can speak to your phone to search, get
directions, send messages, and perform
other common tasks such as send emails or
open apps.
To activate voice search, tap the microphone
icon located at the top of any home screen.
Receive alert notifications on arrival of new
messages, calendar events, alarms, and other
ongoing events. When a notification arrives, the
corresponding icon will appear at the top of the
To expand a notification, drag-n-drop the icon
by slowly swiping downward. When finished,
either swipe it away or tap the dismiss all
Google Now is your personal digital
assistant. It uses location reporting and
history to provide you with easy access to
weather, traffic, scores, and other
need-to-know information. You may turn it on
or off at any time by tapping the Google™
search bar on any Home screen.
Swipe up to unlock your phone.
Swipe to the left to enable camera.
Swipe to the right to enable phone.
Back: tap at any time to return to the
previous screen.
Home: tap at any time to return to the
central Home screen. Press and hold to
access recent apps.
Recent: tap to see preciously opened
Intelligent Wakeup: go to Settings ->
Intelligent Wakeup for a list of gestures
Three Finger Screenshot: slide three
fingers down the screen to take a
Double Tap to Lock Screen: double tap
the Home button from any screen to lock
the phone.
Getting Started
With Your
N4L Overview
Setting up Your Phone Setting up Your Phone
Welcom to Your N4L Basic Controls Gesture Controls HotKnot
Voice Search
You can speak to your phone to search, get
directions, send messages, and perform
other common tasks such as send emails or
open apps.
To activate voice search, tap the microphone
icon located at the top of any home screen.
Voice Search NotificationsNotifications Google Now
Follow these step-by-step instructions to set up your N4L.
Power off the phone and remove battery before inserting any cards!
Warning: SIM cards are small enough to become a choking hazard,
so please keep them away from children. SIM cards are also quite
delicate. Please be careful when handling your card.
Remove the back cover by prying
the lower right corner of your
device with your fingers.
Power off the phone and remove
battery before inserting memory
After installing the SIM card, memory
card, and battery, align the cover and
snap it closed. Make sure you press all
around the edge to ensure a secure fit.
Plug in the microUSB connector to
charge the phone or transfer data.
Orient SIM card to match diagram on slot.
SIM 1 (Mini) supports 4GLTE connections.
SIM 2 (Micro) supports 4GLTE connections.
Align the battery contacts, then insert the
battery contact-first.
Remove Back Cover
Insert microSD
Memory Card
Replace Back Cover
Insert SIM (Dual SIM Standby)
Insert the Battery

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U ontvangt de handleiding per email binnen enkele minuten. Als u geen email heeft ontvangen, dan heeft u waarschijnlijk een verkeerd emailadres ingevuld of is uw mailbox te vol. Daarnaast kan het zijn dat uw internetprovider een maximum heeft aan de grootte per email. Omdat hier een handleiding wordt meegestuurd, kan het voorkomen dat de email groter is dan toegestaan bij uw provider.

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